Gaming organization and lifestyle brand 100 Thieves announced on Wednesday that it will develop its first-ever video game. The game, codenamed “Project X,” will be developed with the help of industry veteran Pete Hawley, who has previously worked on games like Fable, Killzone, Burnout, and LittleBigPlanet.
Not much else was revealed about the game itself, but in a nine-minute video announcing the game, CEO Matthew “Nadeshot” Haag and COO/President John Robinson explained that the company would seek to collaborate with 100 Thieves’ creators, professional players, and community members throughout development.
“We’re gonna make a game with our creators, […] with our pros, and […] with you, our community,” said Robinson. “We think that’s a different way of making a video game than anyone’s ever made one before, [and] we think by doing it this way, we have a really good chance of succeeding.”
Nadeshot echoed similar sentiments. The Call of Duty streamer and 100 Thieves co-founder stated that the project was partially born out of his desire to see video game development both become a more transparent process, as well as incorporate player feedback more throughout development.
The game itself appears to be a ways off, as no release date or window was given. Additionally, Robinson stated that the game was on “day [one]” of development and that the company was actively recruiting developers. However, Robinson did say that the company would provide “regular updates” on development via the game’s Twitter page.
100 Thieves’ goal of collaboratively building a game with input from its community seems to mirror the development philosophy behind Herschel “Dr. DisRespect” Beahm’s in-development game, Midnight Society. Dr. DisRespect previously stated that his game would embrace the “Day Zero Community” — an initiative to include players in the development process at the earliest point possible.
However, the development of Midnight Society has seemingly not been the smoothest. Last week, former Midnight Society developer Ryan Mitchell described the studio’s leadership as abusive, which ultimately drove him to leave the project entirely.
Published: May 18, 2022 02:45 pm