From time to time we report on leaks and rumors although we don’t know how much you can believe them to be true. When this happens, we always recommend you to read them and take them with a pinch of salt, just to be sure not to be left disappointed when learning none of the things said will truly happen.
From time to time we report on leaks and rumors although we don’t know how much you can believe them to be true. When this happens, we always recommend you to read them and take them with a pinch of salt, to be sure not to be left disappointed when learning none of the things said will genuinely happen.
We did the same thing with those Red Dead Redemption rumors yesterday, reporting them only after pondering and seeing that well-known websites have reported them as well. To be more precise, the rumors we’re talking about are the alien-based Red Dead Redemption 2 single-player DLC and the remake of the original Red Dead Redemption.
Well, those have turned to be utterly fake, and the ‘leaker’ has even explained why he has posted such things on Reddit back in the days – something unusual, one might say. He claims that he has done so to conduct a “social experiment.”
“This was an experiment I have always wanted to do regarding the spreading of rumors in video game culture,” he throwaway11113454, said. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while and wondering how I was going to do it; then I saw red dead online was being ignored (most likely not, but the fans are in the dust about it, including me) so this was basically a good starting point for me.”
The Reddit user listed some of the biggest websites which have reported on the fake, and a couple of YouTube videos he’s spotted, and then said that he “realized I was getting too many peoples hopes up, so I decided to write this post.”
He said that “through this experiment, I learned that some people will believe anything that someone says if it sounds believable,” so there’s some lesson to be learned.
Quite honestly, I’ll keep reporting things I think are interesting for you readers and telling you my opinion about them, which is the best possible way to ‘educate’ readers to discern what’s true, possibly true, or fake. That’s not something you learn by merely avoiding such rumors, in my own opinion.
You can share your opinion on that.
Published: Jul 23, 2019 02:00 pm