If today’s Wordle is stumping you and you’re nearly out of clues, help is here! With only six tries to find the right answer, it’s easy to go through your list of ideas and fail. If you want to challenge yourself without looking at the answer straight away, here are some clues to get you started.
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5 Letter Words that start with S
Today’s Wordle starts with the letter “S”. Here is a list of words starting with that letter to help you narrow the possibilities:
- Saber
- Sable
- Sadly
- Safer
- Sagar
- Saggy
- Saint
- Salad
- Sales
- Sally
- Salon
- Salsa
- Salty
- Salve
- Salvo
- Sambo
- Samey
- Sammy
- Sando
- Sandy
- Santa
- Sapid
- Sapor
- Sappy
- Saree
- Sarky
- Sassy
- Satan
- Sated
- Satin
- Satyr
- Sauce
- Saucy
- Sault
- Sauna
- Saute
- Saved
- Saver
- Saves
- Savor
- Savvy
- Scads
- Scald
- Scale
- Scalp
- Scaly
- Scamp
- Scant
- Scape
- Scard
- Scare
- Scarf
- Scarp
- Scars
- Scary
- Scene
- Scent
- Schmo
- Schwa
- Scion
- Scoff
- Scold
- Scoop
- Scoot
- Scope
- Score
- Scorn
- Scots
- Scour
- Scout
- Scowl
- Scram
- Scran
- Scrap
- Scree
- Screw
- Scrub
- Scrum
- Scuff
- Scull
- Scurf
- Scute
- Seamy
- Seats
- Sedan
- Seeds
- Seedy
- Seeks
- Seems
- Seeps
- Segue
- Seism
- Seize
- Sells
- Semen
- Sends
- Sense
- Sepia
- Serum
- Serve
- Setup
- Seven
- Sever
- Sewer
- Shack
- Shade
- Shady
- Shaft
- Shaka
- Shake
- Shaky
- Shale
- Shall
- Shame
- Shank
- Shape
- Shard
- Share
- Shark
- Sharp
- Shave
- Shawl
- Sheaf
- Shear
- Sheen
- Sheep
- Sheer
- Sheet
- Sheik
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shero
- Sheth
- Shift
- Shill
- Shine
- Shiny
- Ships
- Shire
- Shirk
- Shirt
- Shits
- Shoal
- Shock
- Shoes
- Shone
- Shook
- Shoot
- Shops
- Shore
- Short
- Shots
- Shout
- Shove
- Shown
- Shows
- Showy
- Shred
- Shrew
- Shrub
- Shrug
- Shtup
- Shuck
- Shunt
- Shush
- Shyly
- Sibyl
- Sicko
- Sides
- Sidle
- Siege
- Sieve
- Sighs
- Sight
- Sigil
- Sigma
- Signs
- Silky
- Silly
- Silos
- Since
- Sinew
- Singe
- Sings
- Sinks
- Sinus
- Siren
- Sissy
- Sites
- Sizes
- Skank
- Skate
- Skein
- Skies
- Skiff
- Skill
- Skimp
- Skint
- Skirr
- Skirt
- Skive
- Skosh
- Skulk
- Skull
- Skunk
- Skyey
- Slack
- Slain
- Slake
- Slang
- Slant
- Slash
- Slate
- Slaty
- Slave
- Sleek
- Sleep
- Sleet
- Slept
- Slice
- Slick
- Slide
- Slime
- Slimy
- Sling
- Slink
- Slips
- Slope
- Slops
- Slosh
- Sloth
- Slows
- Slump
- Slums
- Slunk
- Slurp
- Slush
- Slyly
- Smack
- Small
- Smart
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smelt
- Smile
- Smirk
- Smite
- Smith
- Smock
- Smoke
- Smoky
- Smurf
- Snack
- Snafu
- Snags
- Snail
- Snake
- Snaky
- Snaps
- Snare
- Snark
- Snarl
- Sneak
- Sneer
- Snide
- Sniff
- Snipe
- Snood
- Snoop
- Snoot
- Snore
- Snort
- Snout
- Snowy
- Snuck
- Snuff
- Soapy
- Sobby
- Sober
- Socks
- Socle
- Softy
- Soggy
- Solar
- Solid
- Solon
- Solus
- Solve
- Sonar
- Songs
- Sonic
- Sonny
- Sooth
- Sooty
- Soppy
- Sorry
- Sorta
- Sorts
- Sough
- Souls
- Sound
- Soupy
- Souse
- South
- Sowed
- Space
- Spacy
- Spade
- Spall
- Spank
- Spans
- Spare
- Spark
- Spasm
- Spate
- Spawn
- Speak
- Spear
- Speck
- Specs
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spent
- Sperm
- Spice
- Spicy
- Spied
- Spiel
- Spies
- Spiff
- Spike
- Spiky
- Spill
- Spilt
- Spine
- Spiny
- Spire
- Spite
- Splat
- Splay
- Split
- Spoil
- Spoke
- Spoof
- Spook
- Spool
- Spoon
- Spoor
- Spore
- Sport
- Spots
- Spout
- Sprat
- Spray
- Spree
- Sprig
- Sprog
- Spume
- Spumy
- Spunk
- Spurn
- Spurs
- Spurt
- Squab
- Squad
- Squat
- Squib
- Squid
- Stack
- Staff
- Stage
- Stagy
- Staid
- Stain
- Stair
- Stake
- Stale
- Stalk
- Stall
- Stamp
- Stand
- Stank
- Stare
- Stark
- Stars
- Start
- Stash
- State
- Stats
- Stave
- Stays
- Stead
- Steak
- Steal
- Steam
- Steed
- Steek
- Steel
- Steep
- Steer
- Stela
- Stems
- Stent
- Steps
- Stern
- Stick
- Stiff
- Still
- Stilt
- Sting
- Stink
- Stint
- Stoat
- Stock
- Stogy
- Stoic
- Stoke
- Stole
- Stomp
- Stone
- Stong
- Stony
- Stood
- Stool
- Stoop
- Stops
- Store
- Storm
- Story
- Stoup
- Stout
- Stove
- Strap
- Straw
- Stray
- Strew
- Strip
- Strop
- Strum
- Strut
- Stuck
- Study
- Stuff
- Stump
- Stung
- Stunt
- Stupe
- Style
- Suave
- Sucks
- Sucky
- Sudor
- Sudsy
- Suede
- Suety
- Sugar
- Suing
- Suite
- Suits
- Sulky
- Sully
- Summa
- Sunny
- Sunup
- Super
- Surge
- Surly
- Swain
- Swami
- Swamp
- Swank
- Swape
- Sward
- Swarm
- Swash
- Swear
- Sweep
- Swell
- Swift
- Swine
- Swipe
- Swish
- Swole
- Swoop
- Swore
- Swung
- Synod
- Syrup
- Swart
- Swath
- Sweat
- Sweet
- Swept
- Swill
- Swing
- Swirl
- Swiss
- Swoon
- Sword
- Sworn
- Sylph
- Syrah
- Sysop
If you would like more advice on finding the correct word:
- Don’t go down the list alphabetically; jump around the list to try different words. If “Sable” isn’t providing any clues, it’s unlikely that “Sable” and “Sadly” will tell you anything different. Try “Sound” or “Slack” which are in different positions and have different letter combinations.
- Avoid words with repeating letters, such as “Skunk” until you are sure that the word has repeating letters. Test unique letters you haven’t chosen yet, which are more likely to be the right answer.
- Reposition letters if they are correct but in the wrong place. It might help reveal words that you didn’t think about in the beginning, but could be the correct answer.
With the list of words and these hints, finding today’s Wordle just got easier.
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Published: Feb 14, 2023 04:00 am