In this God of War Walkthrough Return to the Summit, Kratos and Atreus try to find their way back to the mountain where they will activate the bridge to enter the realm of giants, but Baldur blocks their way.
In Chapter 10 The Black Rune, Kratos, and Atreus went to Tyr’s Vault and was able to retrieve the rune that will further help them to enter the realm of giants. You have traveled to the Summit where Kratos sliced the head of Mimir. In Chapter 11 Return to the Summit Walkthrough, Kratos and Atreus have to find way back to the Summit, they will pass through Midgard all the way through the cave where they faced the Dragon before.
The Return to the Summit Walkthrough
Go back through the Tower
Once you are back on the bridge, return to the tower to travel to the summit. Using the wheel, pick Muspelheim, as others will be locked. Cross through the red door, and you will be in the Realm of Fire. there are certain basic objectives you can play here to return to Midgard. Walk from the left side, follow the fire torch, and after crossing the huge M symbol, the first thing you will spot in this area is Brok’s.
Muspelheim (Realm of Fire)
From Brok’s shop, go right and climb near the lava fall. Go left and you will get Muspelheim Trails, go further up on the mountain, and keep moving left, you will reach a spot with a huge sword placed in the ground. Interact with it for beginning the trails. You can complete it to unlock the next arena in total there will be 3 of them with two phases of battle each.
Muspelheim Trails 1:
Trail: Normal – Kill enemies before time runs out (3.00 Minutes)
- Fight with different enemies in the arena for 3 minutes, there will be total 15 of them which will come one after another. After killing them you will get a Reward: Smothering Ember +3 & Hacksliver +1329.
Trail: Hard – Kill enemies in quick succession (3.00 Minutes)
- The sword will appear once again and now you have to be ready for the hard one. In this part enemies will resurrect if other enemies are still alive, so you have to clear the wave to advance. There will be three Death Defiers, in the first wave and two in the second wave. The second one has a Witch and an Ogre. Finally, there will be the last wave where you have to kill 5 of them to get your Reward: Smothering Ember +5 & Hacksliver +3270.
Muspelheim Trails 2:
Trail: Normal – Survive for 5 minutes
- Pass through the new gate and keep moving till the end you will see the second sword. Interact and begin the second trail. You have to stay alive for the 5 minutes. Once done collect your Reward: Smothering Ember +5 & Hacksliver +1626.
Trail: Hard – Enemies quickly regenerate health
- In this part when you attack enemies they will quickly regenerate their health from an injury. So you have to keep attacking them till they die. Target one enemy at one time. It will be easier for you to clear the area. Once done collect your Reward: Smothering Ember +8 & Hacksliver +2679.
Muspelheim Trails 3:
Trail: Normal – Kill grunts to break the Elite’s Shield.
- This one is the third and final trail you have to play in this area before you return to the tower. For as the left gate opens up cross it, jump over the lava fall and then climb up from your right. You will reach the third and final sword. After activating the trail you have to right break down the shield as the Elite is invulnerable. Kill the allies first, there will be a few bunches of them and they will come in a wave. First, kill the allies and then target the Elite. Once done collect your Reward: Smothering Ember +8 & Hacksliver +1690.
Trail: Hard – Kill enemies while they are inside the gold ring
- There will be a ring on the floor, stay in it and let the enemies in. You have to kill 5 enemies in 2 minutes to complete the objective. There will be a second wave of 3 minutes where you have to kill the same number of enemies. The final wave will be of 4 minutes. Once done collect your Reward: Smothering Ember +5 & Hacksliver +2901.
After finishing those trails, you can use a quiet travel point to return to Brok’s Shop. Return to the tower and select Midgard to continue with the main story. You will be back on the bridge at Lake of Nine. Follow the compass.
Journey back to the mountain
Follow the compass into the tower and go right, it will lead you to a cave on the left end. Climb up from the left wooden structure, and slide through the right to reach stone stairs on the other side. It will lead you to a red door, go out and on your right, you will see Sindri. He will fix your gears, and then follow the compass that will lead you towards the mountain where first followed the witch towards a lift. You have to go up, follow the stairs that was before blocked by Black Breath. Once the stairs end you have to climb up. On the left end, the door leads to the room with Deer Statue. Modi is waiting for Kratos there.
Find a new path up to the summit
After the cutscene, go right and there is a torch, go down and look right, there is a cave that leads to a hole that will take you to the lift area that you used last to reach the summit. Once again you will be passing through this location. Walk from the left, and climb up and there will be a waterfall. Follow the compass that will lead you to a lift towards the summit. You will have to enter into the lift room, where you faced the dragon before, the lift is on the right corner, its lever is blocked by branches you have to break them with a blade to free it. Rotate the lever to use the lift. Once you are up there will be few enemies. Once you are done the killing, look on the left corner for symbols on a wooden wall, help Atreus to climb up and he will drop the chain below. Climb up from there and on your left, there is a door with some symbols on it, go near and an Ogre will attack you.
Behind the broken door, there is a locked door, to open it go down from the place where you used the chain to climb up. Look on the right corner at the end there are some branches, break them. There will be a wind trap you can use to unlock the door. Turn around and look on your right trap the wind energy and store it on the totem. Carry it near the chain and climb up. Once again use your blade for the wind trap and use it on the locked door. There is a chest behind that will give you Hyperion Slam an amazing Heavy Runic Attack. Next get down once again and walk towards the left corner where you trap the wind energy.
Turn right and crouch below the narrow passage that will lead you to another room. On your right, you will see a wooden bridge type structure. Go to the extreme left corner and you will reach the pillar with torchlight. Climb from the right, and cross through wooden logs, there will be the door on your left that will lead you to the summit. Outside there will be a cloud of black breath that will summon some enemies. There is a path on the left, break the branches and climb up. You will be on the top of the mountain that follow the boy. Once again break the branches and climb on top.
Open the bridge to Jotunheim
To finally open the bridge, use the chisel on the left pillar of the bridge. There will be a cutscene, where The Stranger attacks Kratos once again. After the cutscene, Kratos will fight with Baldur on a dragon. There will be a short fist fight, just follow the on-screen control instructions.
After landing on the bridge, run towards the door, and to the room with the tree of life. Once again there will be a cutscene and everyone will be pulled into it. Once the cutscene is over, the Chapter 11 Return to Summit is over. You can read our walkthrough on Chapter 12 Escape from Helheim. For more updates and tips on the game, you can refer our God of War Wiki guide.
Published: Apr 24, 2018 11:48 PM UTC