This armor set is a beauty. Here’s everything to know where to get it, stats, and more.
Destiny 2’s Solstice of Heroes seasonal event is now live, bringing with it some sexy armor sets for all three classes.
The armor sets are the default sets from the base game, as the event is all about re-living the attack on the Tower and the victory that Guardians experienced in the original campaign from the game.
The base armor set is destroyed and shoddy, but you can upgrade it to a beautiful new set that is 400 Power. You’ll need to fight your way through a ton of challenges to do so, however, so let’s get to it.
First things first, approach the statue of heroes in the center of the Tower. Doing so will transport you into the past, where you will speak to Ikora Rey. Doing so will launch a remixed version of the Homecoming mission from the original Destiny 2 campaign. Finish it and you will be awarded with the Scorched armor set. From here on out, it’s about challenges and upgrades.
Scorched (Green) armor challenges

Most of the default set challenges can be done while playing through the five Redux missions, so keep in mind where you are and what you’re doing while playing through them. After that, you’ll need to spawn Elemental Orbs in Strikes, so hit up the Strike playlist for a few. Make sure you’re wearing the full armor set, or orbs won’t spawn.
Head – Spark Redux mission, 90 Solar orbs in the EDZ, 10 kills in Crucible
Arms – Homecoming Redux mission, 150 Arc orbs, complete one Meditation from Ikora Rey
Chest – Chosen Redux mission, 90 Arc orbs in Strikes, 10 Heroic Public Events
Legs – 1AU Redux mission, 150 Void orbs, defeat 50 mini-bosses
Cloak – Payback Redux mission, 30 Super kills in Crucible, 10 Patrols
Head – Spark Redux mission, 150 Arc orbs, 10 Crucible kills
Arms – Homecoming Redux mission, 90 Solar orbs in Strikes, complete one Meditation from Ikora Rey
Chest – Chosen Redux mission, 90 Void orbs in the EDZ, 10 Heroic Public Events
Legs – 1AU Redux mission, 30 Super kills in Crucible, defeat 50 mini-bosses
Mark – Payback Redux mission, 150 Void orbs, 10 Patrols
Head – Spark Redux mission, 30 Super kills in Crucible, 10 Crucible kills
Arms – Homecoming Redux mission, 90 Arc orbs in Strikes, complete one Meditation from Ikora Rey
Chest – Chosen Redux mission, 150 Solar orbs, 10 Heroic Public Events
Legs – 1AU Redux mission, 90 Void orbs in the EDZ, defeat 50 mini-bosses
Bond – Payback Redux mission, 150 Void orbs, 10 Patrols
Rekindled (Blue) armor challenges

Once you’ve upgraded to Blue rarity, you’ll get a new set of challenges. These are more time consuming and a bit more challenging than the last set.
Head – Chosen Redux mission, 160 Void Energy weapon kills, complete a Nightfall Strike
Arms – Payback Redux mission, 120 Void grenade kills, three Heroic Strikes
Chest – 1AU Redux mission, 80 Solar Power weapon kills, win five non-private Crucible matches
Legs – Spark Redux mission, 60 Solar melee kills, complete 10 Adventures
Cloak – Homecoming Redux missions, 200 Arc Super kills, complete 20 challenges
Head – Chosen Redux mission, 200 Solar Super kills, complete a Nightfall Strike
Arms – Payback Redux mission, 160 Solar Energy weapon kills, three Heroic Strikes
Chest – 1AU Redux mission, 120 Arc grenade kills, win five non-private Crucible matches
Legs – Spark Redux mission, 60 Void melee kills, complete 10 Adventures
Mark – Homecoming Redux mission, 80 Arc Power weapon kills, 500 kills
Head – Chosen Redux mission, 160 Void Energy weapon kills, complete a Nightfall Strike
Arms – Payback Redux mission, 60 Arc melee kills, three Heroic Strikes
Chest – 1AU Redux mission, 120 Solar grenade kills, win five non-private Crucible matches
Legs – Spark Redux mission, 200 Arc Super kills, complete 10 Adventures
Bond – Homecoming Redux mission, 80 Solar Power weapon kills, 500 kills
Resplendent (Purple) armor challenges

Now that your armor is 400 Power, you can upgrade them to Masterwork armors by finishing this last set of challenges. Rightfully so, they’re the toughest challenges yet.
Head – Complete the Prestige Nightfall within the point threshold, which is noted on each strike emblem
Arms- Complete five Heroic Strikes in a fireteam with at least one clanmate
Chest – Complete the Prestige Leviathan Raid
Legs – Reach the Valor rank of Legend in Crucible
Class armor – Defeat 10 bosses
Published: Aug 2, 2018 5:05 AM UTC