There are multiple Demiguise Statues for you to find throughout Hogwarts Legacy. These statues are terrorizing Gladwin Moon, the Caretaker at Hogwarts, who has a fear of these creatures. He’s recruited your character to aid him in finding them all, and if you do so, you’ll learn higher-level Alohomora spells to unlock more difficult locks. Here’s what you need to know about all Demiguse Statue locations at Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy.
Where to find all Demiguise Statues throughout Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy
You can find 10 Demiguise Statues throughout Hogwarts.
South Wing
One of these statues will be in the South Wing of Hogwarts. It should be in the Gryfinndor tower area, behind a locked door. Open the lock using Alohomora, and this will lead to a bathroom. Look for the bathroom stall with a sign, and a Demiguise statue will be there.

The Astronomy Wing
There are three inside The Astronomy Wing. You will need to make your way down to the Muggle Studies room. You can find it on the bottom floor, and you might be able to reach it by fast traveling to the Bell Tower Courtyard location. Proceed down here, and the Muggle Studies room will have a level one lock on it.

The next one is closer to the Transfiguration Courtyard. Turn around, head inside the door, and turn to the right, and there will be a level two door that you can unlock to find the Demiguise Statue.

The final Demiguise Statue in this area has you going to the Defense Against The Dark Arts Tower. Proceed down the hallway to your right, upstairs into Fig’s classroom. There will be one in his office.

The Bell Tower Wing
There are two Demiguise Statues in The Bell Tower Wing. You can first one inside the Caretaker’s hut outside Hogwarts. However, this is a level two lock, so you may need to return to it later.

The second one is closer to the northeast part of The Bell Tower Wing. You will need to find the locked door at level one.

The Great Hall
There is another statue in the Great Hall. You can find it by fast travel to the Great Hall and heading to the southwest part of the hall. There will be a locked door. Open it using Alohomora, and the statue will be inside a cozy office.

The Library Annex
There are three Demiguise Statues in the Library Annex region of Hogwarts. You can find one inside the Divination Classroom, on the desk in the back.

The second one is inside the proper library, which you can access from the Central Hall. Go through the library, and proceed to the Restricted Section, a location Sebastian took you through earlier in the year. Proceed down the pathway, and continue down until you get close to The Anthenaeum. You will find the Demiguise Statue to the left of a door on a desk.

The next one will be over by the potions classroom. Head in this direction, and then take a left down the stairs. There will be a level one lock blocking your pathway. Unlock it, and proceed down the hallway until you reach a level two lock. The Demiguise Statue is behind this location. If you cannot unlock this door, collect at least nine Demiguise Moons and bring them to Professor Moon to gain access to a more powerful Alohomora Spell, allowing you to use it on level two and three locks.

Published: Feb 8, 2023 3:08 PM UTC