If you have just started doing PvP recently in World of Warcraft, including the Dragonflight expansion, you might find an item called the Mark of Honor in your inventory. You would be understandably confused because these items don’t contribute toward anything currently active in the game. We’re here to show you where they are, listed by each expansion. Here’s where to find every Mark of Honor Vendor in World of Warcraft.
Where to Find All Mark of Honor Vendors in WoW Dragonflight
Marks of Honor are used at specific vendors in every major expansion of World of Warcraft, going back to Burning Crusade. You’ll need to go to specific vendors in each city to cash in your Marks of Honor.
Dragonflight Vendor Location

The PvP vendor for Dragonflight, Seltherex, is located at the back of the Gladiator’s Refuge in the city of Valdrakken. Here, you can purchase the Drakebreaker’s armor set for any of your characters. These require Bloody Tokens to purchase, which you can acquire from bloody battles of the Dragon Isles in the Dragonflight expansion for World of Warcraft.
Shadowlands Vendor Location
You’re looking for Purveyor Zo’kuul or Zo’sorg, both located inside The Enclave in Oribos.

Battle for Azeroth Vendor Location
If you’re on the Alliance side, talk to Marshal Gabriel inside your War Headquarters, the Salt and Shanty.

Horde players also need to look in their War Headquarters for Xander Silberman.

Legion Vendor Location
Lieutenant Surtees and Captain Roberts, inside Greyfang Enclave, will take Alliance marks off your hands.

If you’re on the Horde side, go to Windrunner’s Sanctuary, where you’ll find Apothecary Lee and Sarah the Savage. You’ll find both of these spots in the newer version of Dalaran.

Warlords of Draenor Vendor Location
Ashran is home to the Mark of Honor vendors for this part of the game. For Alliance players, head to Stormshield, and choose one of these vendors: Bregg Coppercast, Ingrid Blackingot, Slugg Spinbolt, Holly McTilla, Li “Crunchpaw” Tsang, and Amelia Clarke.

Over on the Horde Side, you’ll need to go to Warspear and talk to Stone Guard Brokefist, Fobbly Kickfix, Blood Guard Axelash, Malukah Lightsong, Class Dawnstrider, or Tae’loxe Soulshrivel.

Mists of Pandaria Vendor Location
Alliance and Horde players must go to their respective parts of Serpent’s Spine. Alliance members can speak to Starlight Sinclair, Ethan Natice, Armsmaster Holinka, Hayden Cristophen, or Lucan Malory.

Horde players can do business with Lol’nor Bloodfist, Doris Chiltonius, Roo Desvin, Acon Deathwielder, and Shonn Su.

Cataclysm Vendors Location
Cataclysm has faction-exclusive vendors, and one area where both sides can turn in Marks of Honor. Alliance players are allowed in the Champion’s Hall in Stormwind, selling to Edlan Halsing, Lieutenant Tristia, Knight-Lieutenant T’Maire Sydes, and Captain Dirgehammer.

Horde players can purchase in Orgrimmar’s Hall of Legends from Rogoc, Doris Volanthius, Blood Guard Zar’shit, and Sergeant Thunderhorn. In addition, all players can go to Gagetzan in Tanaris, where you’ll find Vixton Punchwhistle, Blazzek the Biter, Tiny Tayger, and Capps Carlin.

Wrath of the Lich King Vendor Location
All players, regardless of faction, will need to check out the Circle of Wills, located in Old Dalaran’s Underbelly. Trapjaw Rix, Blazik Fireclaw, Herwin Steampop, Xazi Smolderpipe, Zom Bocom, and Kylo Kelwin will all accept your Marks of Honor.

Burning Crusade Vendor Location
Once again, you won’t need to be a specific faction to find these vendors. Go to Area 52 in the Netherstorm, and talk to Kezzik the Striker, Kitzie Crankshot, Blaze Magmaburn, or Izzee the Clutch. The same area also contains a second set of NPCs to give your Marks of Honor: Big Zokk Torquewrench, Grex Brainboiler, Tini Smalls, Leeni “Smiley” Smalls, and Krixel Pinchwhistle.

So these were all the Mark of Honor vendor locations in the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. I’d recommend checking out our World of Warcraft Mythic+ explained guide next on Gamepur.
Published: Jul 30, 2024 10:28 AM UTC