Mega Alakazam now has the chance to appear in Mega Raids in Pokémon Go. It can be one of the more powerful Psychic-type Pokémon, giving you a significant boost in five-star raids. There’s a good chance you will want to face it down in a Mega Raid, giving you an opportunity to evolve one yourself. This guide covers all Mega Alakazam weaknesses and the best Pokémon counters in Pokémon Go.
How to beat Mega Alakazam in Pokémon Go
All Mega Alakazam weaknesses
Mega Alakazam is a Psychic-type Pokémon. It will be weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type moves, but it is resistant against Fighting and Psychic-type attacks. You want to lean on Mega Alakazam’s Bug and Dark-type weakness during any battle against it. You can use Ghost-types, but those might be a bit riskier for you because Mega Alakazam can also use the Ghost-type charged move Shadow Ball.
Related: Best moveset for Alakazam in Pokémon Go
The best Pokémon to counter Mega Alakazam in Pokémon Go
The best Pokémon to use against Mega Alakazam will be Hydreigon, Darkrai, and Gengar.
Hydreigon is a Dark and Dragon-type Pokémon. Although it is considered one of the more difficult Pokémon to catch in the game, the Deino Community Day a few months ago should mean multiple trainers have a powerful Hydreigon in their roster if they participated. There’s a good chance someone should have it, making it an excellent choice. The best moveset to teach Hydreigon is the fast move Bite and the charged moves Brutal Swing and Dark Pulse.
Next, we have Darkrai, the mythical Dark-type Pokémon. Even though it is a mythical Pokémon, it frequently appears in five-star raids at least once a year, giving everyone multiple opportunities to catch it, and you likely have a few in your roster from the year before. It’s a great Pokémon to have on your roster, especially against Mega Alakazam. The best moveset to teach Darkrai is the fast move Snarl and the charged moves Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse.
The final Pokémon we’ll recommend is Gengar, a Ghost, and Poison-type Pokémon. Because Gengar is a Ghost-type, you have to be careful of Mega Alakazam using Shadow Ball during these battles, but outside of it, you don’t have to worry about it too much. Gengar is more of an attacker, and treating it like a glass cannon is likely a good bet. The best moveset to teach Gengar is the fast move Lick and the charged moves Shadow Ball and Shadow Punch.
You will need to use a team of six Pokémon to battle against Mega Alakazam. Here are some more choices you can consider using to add to your roster.
- Absol
- Bisharp
- Chandelure
- Genesect
- Giratina
- Houndoom
- Mewtwo
- Pheromosa
- Shiftry
- Tyranitar
- Weavile
- Yveltal
- Zarude
Upon defeating Mega Alakazam in battle, you will earn Mega Candy for this Pokémon and an encounter with an Alakazam. In addition, there is a chance you can catch a shiny version of this Pokémon.
Published: Sep 5, 2022 3:23 PM UTC