Apex Legends’ second Collection event of 2022 is called Warriors and will bring back the beloved Control mode, along with limited-time cosmetic rewards, a new Arenas map, and a number of balance tweaks. Here is a full breakdown of the Apex Legends Warriors Collection event patch notes and all of the balance changes.
Maps and game modes
The centerpiece of the Apex Legends Warriors event is the return of Control: a hectic 9v9 mode in which players can respawn infinitely and upgrade their loadouts by scoring kills and controlling objectives. Control is back with a new map that takes place on the Caustic Takeover corner of Kings Canyon, and features unique mechanics like remote gas traps and a hover tank. Against popular demand, Control is still very much a limited-time mode, and will only be available until the end of the Warriors Collection event.
The Arenas 3v3 mode is also getting a new map: Drop-Off. An industrial zone vaguely reminiscent of the IMC Dynamic Testing Facility in Titanfall 2, Drop-Off features optional side-lanes players can venture into for additional materials; cover is sparse there, so consider your moves carefully.
Game balance
The Warriors Collection event comes with a handful of balance updates, the first two being exclusive to the Control mode, and the rest applying across all Apex Legends game modes.
- The Turbocharger hop-up is no longer equipped when your compatible weapons reach the Purple tier. Now, it requires the Gold tier.
- The G7 Scout rifle ammo reserve is 140, up from 120.
- The Double Tap hop-up burst delay is now 0.375, down from 0.475, making the gun burstier in every sense.
- Hammerpoint Rounds and Kinetic Feeder hop-ups now spawn more often.
- Deadeye’s Tempo, Shatter Caps, and Boosted Loader hop-ups now spawn less often.
Cosmetics and rewards
As usual, this Apex Legends Collection event drops a boatload of new cosmetics into the game. Players can level up the rewards track by playing matches and competing event-specific challenges in order to unlock the following:
- 6 stat trackers and an event badge.
- A limited-time music theme.
- A skin for Mirage.
- A gun charm.
- Two weapon skins, for the L-Star and 30-30 Repeater.
- A single event-specific loot box.
The rest of the cosmetics are purchasable in the in-game store. The Apex Legends Warriors Collection event starts on March 29 and will run until April 12.
Published: Mar 28, 2022 11:00 PM UTC