Though plunging into the Underdark will unveil many of the game’s mysterious secrets, opting for the Mountain Pass route to Moonrise Tower offers no shortage of thrills. Amidst these bright and rugged terrains, rumors of the fabled Blood of Lathander mace might reemerge. Yet, this notorious weapon remains concealed, guarded by puzzles, adversaries, and Gityanki side quests.
Blood of Lathander Location in BG3

The Blood of Lathander legendary weapon is inside the Rosymorn Monastery. This gorgeous yet decayed location can be spotted to the Mountain Pass’ northeast. The Rosymorn Monastery coordinates are X: 18 and Y: 22.
How to Enter the Rosymorn Monastery in Baldur’s Gate 3

Once here, follow these steps to get inside the Rosymorn Monastery.
BG3: How to Solve the Stained Glass Window Puzzle in Rosymorn Monastery

This puzzle commemorates four Lathanderian Dawnmasters, who are esteemed members of the clergy. Around the stained-glass window are four pedestals, but only one exhibits the Dawnmaster’s weapon. Retrieve all missing weapons and throw them on the correct pedestal to uncover a secret safe.
Once all three weapons have been placed correctly in the Stained-Glass Window puzzle, a secret room with a pouch will be revealed. Collect the Dawnmaster’s Crest from the pouch; this item will be handy for getting the Blood of Lathander.
Related: Baldur’s Gate 3: Should You Kill or Free Lae’zel in BG3
This crest comes with a Dawnmaster letter guiding players to the Rosymorn Monastery Basement.
BG3: The Rosymorn Monastery Basement & Githyanki Creché Location

Descend past the chatty bust, skip the left barricade, and step out through the central main door. On the left, spot the mossy statue featuring the Holy Lathander Blood plaque. Continue the left path, down the spiral stairs, and enter the Rosymorn Monastery Basement. This path leads straight into the Githyanki Creché.
Lae’zel’s storyline unfolds in the Githyanki Creché. If it’s your first visit, take the time to explore the Githyanki Creché before progressing on the Blood of Lathander mace quest—because things could get a tad turbulent afterward.

To get to the room that hides the Blood of Lathander, follow these steps:
- Head to the Captain Quarters to the Waypoint’s right.
- Pickpocket Kith’rak Therezzyn‘s to get the Gith Shard.
- Insert the Gith Shard in the Githyanki Barrier Disruptor beside the enchanted door.
- Advance toward the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the end of the passage.
- Progress through the plot involving Lae’zel, the Inquisitor, the Dream Visitor, and Vlaakith to resolve the conflict.
- Head to the Inquisitor Chambers’ left hallway to solve the statues’ puzzle and enter the secret room with the Blood of Lathander Maze.
How to Get the Blood of Lathander in Baldur’s Gate 3
To solve the two sun statues, follow these steps:

This will open a secret room to the Blood of Lathander’s final puzzle. Here, there’s a series of doors barred with an enchantment. Here’s how to break the spell:
Published: Aug 8, 2023 3:48 PM UTC