While exploring Baldur’s Gate 3, there are several missions you can complete with your group. Some of them are smaller tasks, and others have to do with the main plot, such as discovering what happened to the Stern Librarian, Ffion.
Ffion works at the Sharess’ Caress and has been missing for a good amount of time. The owner of the establishment, Mamzell Amira, has asked that you check out her room and see if you can find out what’s happened. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete Find The Stern Librarian Ffion in Baldur’s Gate 3.
All Find The Stern Librarian Ffion Quest Steps in Baldur’s Gate 3

Mamzell Amira will give you the key to Ffion’s pleasure room on the third floor of the Sharess’ Caress in Baldur’s Gate 3. Bring your party members up there with you, and you’ll have a chance to investigate the room and see if Ffion left anything behind that might indicate where she could have gone. When you arrive, there will be several things you can investigate with your party, but the most important thing to find and read is Ffion’s journal. You can find it sitting on her desk to the left of the entrance.
Upon reading the journal, you’ll learn that Ffion is worried about someone she really cares about, and they’re hiding it in the Flophouse. You’ll need to investigate this location to learn more. Thankfully, in Baldur’s Gate 3, the Flophouse is not too far from your current location.

You can speak with the owner of the Flophouse, but they’re only going to tell you that Ffion hasn’t been there in a good amount of time. You’ll need to go up to the second floor, where you can find Ffion’s bed and a trunk with another journal. Unfortunately, you’ll need to sneak with your Baldur’s Gate 3 party members to investigate the open trunk, and then read the journal. It’s revealed that Ffion is concerned about her son, and how he’s been changing lately.

The final step is tricky. Rather than continue investigating the second floor, I had to go up to the third floor by jumping from the second balcony to reach the third floor. I discovered a secret entrance behind a wardrobe, revealing a secret room in the Flophouse.

When you get behind the wardrobe, it’s a room that’s connected to the several murders that are happening around the city and has to do with the Bhaal cult. Unfortunately, your Baldur’s Gate 3 party will likely find Ffion’s body hidden underneath the bed, confirming that she has been killed. You can take this back to Mamzell Amira to confirm that she won’t work for her anymore, and you’ll complete this quest.

Published: Aug 14, 2023 4:29 PM UTC