Any Call of Duty player worth their salt would doubtless agree that the most important thing for any player is not skill, coordination, or good sportsmanship — it’s a good user name. Your user name is an encapsulation of who you are and what you want to bring to the game, whether it’s a fierce moniker that strikes fear into the heart of your enemies or the simple joy of getting one over on bLaZiN420_6969. It’s not that easy to think of the perfect user name, though, so here are some tips on how to select the best one, along with some suggestions if you’re still struggling.
How to come up with a good CoD user name
There are all sorts of things that can go into a good user name for Call of Duty. Many people like to keep things rooted in the themes of the game itself, with names inspired by their preferred Call of Duty weapons or their penchant for blowing heads off zombies in the other modes. Others give a tip of the hat to their other favorite games, or other forms of media like TV or movies. Some go down the wordplay route, making puns on well-known names or turns of phrase, while others just find a couple of words that sound good together and slap ’em on a gamertag.
The possibilities are endless, but general wisdom does recommend steering clear of your actual name or any personally-identifying details. As we all know, the world of online multiplayer games can have its ups and downs, and for every successful match you have with respectful players there’s a chance you’ll run across some troll who wants to find a way to torment you for sniping them from across the field. Also try to avoid obscene language — you risk running afoul of community management and getting slapped with a suspension or ban.
Related: 30 of the best cool Roblox user name ideas
Best funny, unique, and cool CoD user names
CrispyChickenDinner | VelvetThunder | WildCard |
HungryHungryHippo | MoonStruck | OperationEagle |
YerAWizardHarry | SoulHarvester | LoneWolf |
NeverGonnaGiveYouUp | IronMansBFF | GentlemanJackie |
SluggoIsLit | ImprovedOnPerfection | SirLaughsALot |
BestLifeLiver | CheeksForDays | SonOfNathanDrake |
PaimonWhymon | ZombieKiller | M4Aficionado |
ResistanceIsFutile | TerminatorBarelyKnowEr | InsideOutJokes |
AssassinoAuditore | HeadshotHunter | DoomDispenser |
SkullAndBones | MightyMindfulness | RedLeaderGoldLeader |
DoomSlayer22 | ThunderStruck | SunsOutGunsOut |
SeathTheScaleless | SnipeHunt | DontHateThePlayer |
Valjean24601 | MaverickMongoose | CaptainBlackadder |
TheHarderTheyFall | TheGodButcher | Agent47 |
IAmTheNight | ChaosElmo | YouveBeenTangoed |
Published: Oct 10, 2022 11:07 AM UTC