The French ballerina-turned-evil sniper, Widowmaker is Overwatch 2’s femme fatale character and deadly sniper. She is the hero with the longest operating range in the game. While she’s able to get one-shot kills with some skill, the fast pace of the game means that Widowmaker is more situational than conventional in modern Overwatch 2. Her abilities include a venom mine and a grappling hook, both of which allow her to establish strong sniping positions. Meanwhile, her ultimate ability allows her team to benefit from wall hacks for a limited time.
All Legendary Widowmaker skins in Overwatch 2
Widowmaker has many Legendary skins, some of which are carried over from Overwatch and can be bought with Legacy Coins. However, some of those skins are available only during certain seasonal events. Moreover, several of her skins are unobtainable, though they might become available again at a later date. And lastly, she had several new skins added since Overwatch 2 launched.
Odette (purchase with Legacy Coins)

In her past, Widowmaker was a ballerina, and in this skin, she takes the role of Odette, the White Swan.
Odile (purchase with Legacy Coins)

Drawing once again from her ballerina origins, Widowmaker dons the costume of Odile, the Black Swan.
Comtesse (purchase with Legacy Coins)

Widowmaker used to be Amelie Guillard before getting brainwashed, and her family was part of French nobility, which this skin evokes.
Huntress (purchase with Legacy Coins)

This skin shows that Widowmaker is always ready for a fox hunt.
Nova (purchase with Legacy Coins)

With this skin, Widowmaker takes on the guise of Nova, a Ghost operative from the StarCraft franchise.
Côte d’Azur (Summer Games seasonal event)

Even cold-blooded assassins go on vacations, and Widowmaker is ready for a luxurious retreat to the Mediterranean.
Scorpion (Halloween Terror seasonal event)

Disposing of the usual spider garb, Widowmaker takes on a costume of another venomous critter, the scorpion.
Biathlon (Winter Wonderland seasonal event)

With this skin, Widowmaker shows off that she can take on the snowy slopes as well.
Black Lily (Lunar New Year seasonal event)

Taking on the costume of a tragic character from the Chinese theater is quite suitable for Amelie.
Pale Serpent (Lunar New Year seasonal event)

Another Widowmaker costume, another venomous creature. There seems to be a pattern.
Mousquetaire (Archives seasonal event)

In this skin, Widowmaker appears in the costume of a musketeer in traditional French blue.
Talon (Archives seasonal event)

This skin shows Amelie as she became Widowmaker, during her early days within the Talon organization.
Ange de la Mort (Overwatch League June Joust commemorative skin, Unavailable)

In this exclusive OWL skin, Widowmaker appears as the Angel of Death, complete with a long pointy hood.
Related: Every legendary Doomfist skin in Overwatch 2
Kerrigan (StarCraft 20th Anniversary Celebration, Unavailable)

Cosplaying as the iconic StarCraft sniper Sarah Kerrigan, this skin suits Widowmaker extremely well.
Noire (Overwatch Pre-purchase reward, Unavailable)

Black leather and cyberpunk cable-dreads are the name of the game in this special Legendary skin.
Cyberdevil (purchased from Overwatch 2 Shop)

This skin’s aesthetic makes Widowmaker look like what can be best described as a sci-fi anime demon. That’s a good thing, right?
Medusa (purchased from Overwatch 2 Shop)

Released as part of a Greek myth-themed event, this skin makes Widowmaker a deadly snake monster of legends.
Published: Feb 9, 2023 9:17 AM UTC