While exploring the capital of Esperanza, you’ll probably stumble upon a few secrets. These include Criptograma Chests. Here’s our guide to help you unlock the Esperanza – La Divinidad Cathedral Criptograma Chest in Far Cry 6.
La Divinidad Cathedral in Old Pueblo, Esperanza, starts as a military base. If you capture it, you can turn it into a fast travel point. Even better, you might find a unique rifle called the Zona 51.
Go to La Divinidad Cathedral in Old Pueblo, Esperanza
As for the La Divinidad Cathedral Criptograma Chest, you’ll want to head to the northern side of the cathedral just outside its gates. Here, you should see a few blue symbols denoting that there’s a secret nearby. Go ahead and use your grapple to climb up. Next, make a running leap across the wooden board to reach the chest.

Criptograma Chart: Rum – Make your way back to the previous rooftop with the wooden board. You should see another platform that lets you leap to the outer section of the church. You’ll find the first card here.

Criptograma Chart: La Guitarra – For the next one, enter the church and, while still on the second floor, look for a doorway that takes us to the building’s eastern side. There’s another wooden board here. We can sprint and jump to grab hold of vines. The card is pinned on the door of a shed.
After getting both, return to the previous location. We can now open the Esperanza – La Divinidad Cathedral Criptograma Chest in Far Cry 6. Of course, some RNG is involved, but we did receive the Rioter Pants MK II from this container. Lastly, while you’re roaming around in the capital, you might as well open another Criptograma Chest in the Siete Pajaros Apartments in West Lado.

Published: Oct 14, 2021 3:09 AM UTC