The Witcher: Monster Slayer is an augmented-reality game where players are tasked with killing different kinds of monsters. Much like Pokemon Go, players will have to roam around in the real world in search of monsters. As you progress the game, the difficulty will increase, and you’ll come across monsters with higher rarity. That said, here is a list of all the monsters that are currently present in the game.
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Every monster in The Witcher: Monster Slayer
Common monsters
Monster Name | Type |
Alghoul | Necrophages |
Alp | Vampires |
Arachnomorph | Insectoids |
Archespore | Cursed ones |
Barghest | Specters |
Basilisk | Draconids |
Bloedzuiger | Necrophages |
Carnage Nekker | Ogroids |
Chort | Relict |
| |
Common Arachas | Insectoids |
Cyclops | Ogroids |
Drowner | Necrophages |
Ekimmara | Vampires |
Endrega Drone | Insectoids |
Endrega Worker | Insectoids |
Fiend | Relicts |
Fleder | Vampires |
Foglet | Necrophages |
Forktail | Draconids |
| |
Gargoyle | Elementa |
Garkain | Vampires |
Ghoul | Necrophages |
Giant Toad | Cursed ones |
Golem | Elementa |
Grave Hag | Necrophages |
Green Forktail | Draconids |
Griffin | Hybrids |
Harpy | Hybrids |
Hermit Arachas | Insectoids |
| |
Kikimore Worker | Insectoids |
Leecher | Necrophages |
Nekker | Ogroids |
Nekker Warrior | Ogroids |
Nightwraith | Specters |
Noonwraith | Specters |
Pale Fleder | Vampires |
Pale-Faced Ghoul | Necrophages |
Pixie | Elementa |
Poisonous Arachas | Insectoids |
| |
Rarasha | Draconoids |
Rock Troll | Ogroids |
Rotfiend | Necrophages |
Royal Arachas | Insectoids |
Scolopendromorph | Insectoids |
Sea Witch | Hybrids |
Shaelmaar | Relicts |
Siren | Hybrids |
Spriggan | Relict |
Spriggan Hound | Relicts |
| |
Succubus | Hybrids |
Swamp Nekker | Ogroids |
Sylvan | Relicts |
Tiger Fiend | Relicts |
Vodnik | Ogroids |
Voiceless | Specters |
Water Hag | Necrophages |
Werewolf | Cursed ones |
Wight | Necrophages |
Wraith | Specters |
Writher | Insectoids |
Wyvern | Draconids |
Rare monsters
Monster name | Type |
Alpha Garkain | Vampires |
Beann’shie | Specters |
Blue Forktail | Draconids |
Bruxa | Vampires |
Burier | Necrophages |
Cockratrice | Draconids |
Depth Lurker | Necrophages |
Devourer | Necrophages |
Drowned Dead | Necrophages |
| |
Endrega Charger | Insectoids |
Endrega Warrior | Insectoids |
Farbaut | Ogroids |
Fire Elemental | Elementa |
Gernichora | Relicts |
Gray Slyzard | Draconids |
Green Harpy | Hybrids |
Grimnir | Ogroids |
Grottore | Relict |
Howler | Relicts |
| |
Ignis Fatuus | Necrophages |
Kikimore Warrior | Insectoids |
Leshen | Relicts |
Leshen Hound | Relicts |
Liho | Relicts |
Lycanthrope | Cursed ones |
Magma Troll | Ogroids |
Nekker Shaman | Ogroids |
Night Succubus | Hybrids |
Nightmare | Specters |
| |
Putrifier | Necrophages |
Royal Foglet | Necrophages |
Royal Nekker | Ogroids |
Royal Wyvern | Draconids |
Russet Shaelmaar | Relicts |
Scurver | Necrophages |
Shrieker | Draconids |
Spotted Alghoul | Necrophages |
Stone Golem | Elementa |
Striga | Cursed ones |
Sylvan Dearg | Relicts |
Wailwraith | Specters |
Legendary monsters
Monster name | Type |
Ancient Leshen | Relicts |
Archgriffin | Hybrids |
Copper Wyvern | Draconids |
D’jinni | Elementa |
Dung Shaelmaar | Relict |
Erynia | Hybrids |
Frightener | Insectoids |
Graphite Slyzard | Draconids |
Grim Hag | Necrophages |
| |
Hym | Specters |
Ice Elemental | Elementa |
Ice Giant | Ogroids |
Ice Troll | Ogroids |
Katakan | Vampires |
Mottled Garkain | Vampires |
Penitent | Specters |
Plague Maiden | Specters |
Sandcrab | Insectoids |
Silver Basilisk | Draconids |
Swamp Hag | Necrophages |
Tarry Chort | Relicts |
Tormented | Relicts |
Ulfhedinn | Cursed ones |
Unseen Elder | Vampires |
Water Devil | Necrophages |
White Striga | Cursed ones |
Each monster has weaknesses that players can exploit to slay them. However, the more high-rarity monsters you confront, the more difficult it will be to kill them.
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Published: Jul 31, 2021 2:45 PM UTC