If you were excited about the announcement of Age of Empires 4, you likely were one of the first in line to grab the game’s Digital Deluxe Edition. It comes with a handful of additional content, such as the game’s soundtrack, Unit Counters Chart, an art compilation from the painter Craig Mullins, and exclusive in-game content, such as the Coat of Arms, Player Profile, and Monument. Here’s what you need to know to access this content.
For the Age of Empires 4 soundtrack, you’ll be able to grab it from the Steam Library under the Additional Content tab. You can find that tab by clicking the Properties option or by clicking the cog on the game page in your library. There will be a list of DLC, and you can find the soundtrack there. For the art compilation, you’ll need to right-click your Age of Empires game, select the Manage option, and then choose to Browse Local Files. All of the art files should be available to you.
When it comes to the in-game items, you’ll be able to add them to your Profile. You can do this by clicking your profile icon on the lower-left portion of the screen, next to your level. Next, click on your current Profile icon, and you can customize your Coat of Arms and Monument icon.

Beyond the Digital Deluxe options, you’ll be able to unlock additional Coat of Arms symbols and Monument icons by completing the Age of Empires 4 campaign.
Published: Oct 28, 2021 5:05 PM UTC