The Draconic Tree Sentinel is one of those bosses that plenty of people would rather not have to deal with. With lightning that has pinpoint accuracy and a horse that can shoot fireballs, the Draconic Tree Sentinel can be a real handful. Luckily, there is a way to deal with him and it only takes two simple items. Here is how you can cheese the Draconic Tree Sentinel in Elden Ring.

The Draconic Tree Sentinel blocks your path into the capital city of Leyndell and can be a real nuisance. To deal with him, start by heading south to the Weeping Penninsula. This is the area south of Limgrave. Head along with the pathway below the bridge and make your way to the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace. If you need, there is a merchant near this Site of Grace as well.

From the Site of Grace, head south past the wall and go east into the woods. You will find a beetle here that drops the Poison Mist incantation. After getting the incantation, purchase a seal from the merchant in Roundtable Hold if you don’t already have one and boost your faith stat to at least 12. Head back to the Draconic Tree Sentinel and remove your character’s armor. Carefully sneak behind the boss and cast Poison Mist. This will poison the boss and kill him without you even needing to swing your weapon. Just make sure to allocate all your flasks charges to Cerulean Flasks so you have plenty of FP.
Published: Mar 16, 2022 2:41 PM UTC