The Droid Attack of the Wookiees takes place in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. In it, Master Yoda works together alongside Tarfful and Chewbacca as they attempt to assist Yoda in evading the Clone Troopers. These Clones have turned on the Wookiees and Yoda due to Order 66. As you progress through the level, there are multiple challenges you can try to complete. This guide covers all Droid Attack on the Wookiees challenges in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
All Droid Attack on the Wookiees
Force Influence
The Force Influence challenge is one you can complete in Free Play and Story Mode. In it, you’ll need to use a Force User to take over a Clone’s mind and have them attack other Clones. Many of the Clones in this level can have the Jedi Mind Trick ability used on them, so you can finish this at any time.
Frequent Flyer
You’ll need to reach the escape pod using the alternate route for the Frequent Flyer challenge. The escape pod is the final part of the mission, and for this challenge, before you go to the last area, there will be a Wookiee stuck in a tree in a glider. You can use the force or a Hero character to pull it down. When it’s out of the tree, you’ll need to make sure you choose the Fluttercraft object to make. When you reach the top, make sure you have a Smuggler to get you across.

In the Kashyyyk-a-boo! challenge, you’ll need to apprehend one of the Clone’s AT-RT. When you have control of one, attack three Clone Troopers and take out another AT-RT. You’ll be able to do this closer to the end of the mission. A small group of Clones will attempt to prevent you from reaching the escape pod and an empty AT-RT close to the back. You can grab it and use it against the Clones and the AT-RT blocking your path.

Published: Apr 13, 2022 10:26 PM UTC