At the beginning of the King’s Fall Raid in Destiny 2, there will be a Tombship jumping puzzle you need to traverse to make your way to the first major encounter. The puzzle can be complicated because you and your fireteam must jump across at distinct times to make it to the correct ships. In addition, not every ship that crosses your path will lead you to safety. This guide covers the correct pathway through the King’s Fall Raid Tombship jumping puzzle in Destiny 2.
How to complete the Tombship jumping puzzle in King’s Fall Raid
When you arrive in the room with the ship, wait for your entire fireteam to be ready before taking it. After you’re ready, jump onto the Tombship and wait for it to begin glowing green. This will indicate it is almost ready to explode, and disappear, as all the Tombships will during this portion. Right before the first Tombship is about to explode, look to your right, and there will be another Tombship you can reach.
Related: How to complete the Totems Challenge in King’s Fall Raid in Destiny 2

The next ship will fly out in front of your current one, coming from the right. Wait for it to get within a reasonable distance before jumping to it.

When you land, this ship will not last for long. You want to turn to your left, facing the front of the ship, and jump to the ship slightly lower than your current one.

You won’t be looking for a ship after this. Instead, look forward, and there will be a platform. Take the platform. Here, your team can have a short rest to seek out the next ship.

You won’t be here for long. The next ship you need to jump on will be adjacent to the one you took, but it should be blowing up. Jump over the old ship to reach the next one.

You will remain on this next ship for a reasonable amount of time. Stay on it until it’s almost exploding, and then take the ship in front of you.

Now, on this ship, make your way to the very back of it. Another ship will pass over the top of your ship, and you do not want to take it. Wait until that ship passes you, and another ship will appear at the front. Run out and jump to it.

While on this ship, keep to the middle of it. When it starts the explosion process, look for another ship flying slightly above it, to the right. This is the correct one.

The next correct ship will appear in front of the current one. We recommend being close to the front or the middle of your current Tombship to catch it.

For this next ship, it’s going to be close. You will want to remain on your ship and stay close to the front. It will begin to explode, and shortly after this animation starts, the next Tombship will appear at the front. Jump and take it before your current ship disappears.

This is the final ship. This will lead you safely to the last platform. You should be able to jump and rejoin your fireteam when you reach this point, completing the Tombship jumping puzzle.

Published: Aug 30, 2022 12:53 PM UTC