There are plenty of hidden secrets for you to discover as you explore the highlands of Hogwarts Legacy. Some of the secrets and hidden objects even appear during side quests. For instance, after Natty goes missing in the Basis for Blackmail quest, you have the opportunity to complete two optional objectives; Find Agabus Philbert’s Book of Poems and Otto Dibble’s Love Letter. Both are very important to the owners. This guide will show you where to find Agabus Philbert’s Book of Poems and Otto Dibble’s Love Letter in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to find Agabus Philbert’s Book of Poems in Hogwarts Legacy
As you progress through Natty’s quest line, you will eventually reach a quest called A Basis for Blackmail. This comes after the quest where you have to help Natty open the main gate. During this quest, you will need to meet with multiple NPCs who will tell you that they lost specific items or were taken. For Agabus, you need to collect their Book of Poems. Later in the quest, Natty will go missing and you will need to follow her trail to an underground hideout inside the cellar of the Hog’s Head.

Once inside, you will see the objective for the Book of Poems appear. The Book of Poems appears in the main room of the hideout. Once you have dealt with all the enemies in the room, look to the left of the large circular object in the center. You will see a bar with a chest on it. The Book of Poems can be found inside the chest.
Related: How to complete All’s Well That Ends Bell in Hogwarts Legacy
How to find Otto Dibble’s Love Letter in Hogwarts Legacy

Just like with the Book of Poems, you can find Otto Dibble’s Love Letter in the main first room of the hideout. This time, instead of going to the center of the room, you will need to go to the right after entering the area. Behind all the various crates and cages, you will see a staircase. Go up the staircase and you will see two chests; one to the left of the stairs and one on a platform. Open the chest on the platform to obtain the Love Letter. You can return both items to their proper owners later in the quest.
Published: Feb 17, 2023 2:14 AM UTC