Within Lost Ark, there is a slew of tabs that players should be consistently checking for free easy loot, currencies, and levels. One such tab is the Welcome Challenge tab, which offers silver by the thousands for completing quick and mostly mundane tasks to teach players about the various systems and mechanics in place within the free-to-play MMO, Lost Ark.
Many players will quickly complete objectives just by wandering through the main quest and completing various odd tasks set forth by NPCs. But players need to claim these challenges to grab the loot offered and progress the Welcome Challenge list into greater rewards. By the time players reach Prideholme, there should already be enough challenges completed to create your own guild in Lost Ark.
The Welcome Challenge list can be found in the top right of the screen, just to the left of the mini-map. If there are claimable rewards already, players will note a red dot in the top right of the icon, denoting completed challenges.
Clicking the Welcome Challenge will open a new window with a list of 59 total challenges. New challenges are unlocked by completing available challenges, which consistently matches the pace of the main quest. For example, when a challenge unlocks for Lakebar Village, players are typically moving towards the land already.
If proximity isn’t enough, each challenge also lists how to complete it. Whether the mechanic is attempting to teach you about the card system within Lost Ark or how vital pets can be for auto-looting, progressing through the Welcome Challenge list will introduce most, if not all, systems and mechanics in the title.
Published: Feb 9, 2022 08:10 am