The Electro Hypostasis is a classic world boss in Genshin Impact, one of the very first bosses you’re able to fight when beginning your journey. The Electro Hypostasis drops some materials necessary to level up and ascend your characters. Learn how to beat this world boss below.
Where to find the Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact
The Electro Hypostasis is located south of Cape Oath. The quickest way to get there is to teleport to the Eagle’s Gate domain found to the west of the boss. Simply climb up the short cliff, and the Electro Hypostasis will be waiting for you once you reach the top.

How to defeat the Electro Hypostasis
Like most other Hypostasis bosses, the Electro Hypostasis has a pattern similar to the other Hypostasis bosses. The Hypostasis will traverse around the map protecting itself, before unleashing an attack. After the attack is completed, it will be in a cooldown period where you can unleash as much damage as you can before it resets and performs another attack.

The Electro Hypostasis’ core is made up of Electro energy, and as a result, no Electro attacks will work on this boss. As a result, it’s not recommended to bring an Electro character for this fight.
This boss has several attacks, such as a drill attack where it approaches you slowly in the shape of a drill. After these attacks are performed, it will expose itself and allow you to deal damage to it. This is your window to unleash your Elemental Bursts and deal high damage.

Like the other Hypostasis bosses, the Electro Hypostasis also has a couple of attacks where it exposes its core while attacking. For example, this attack has the Electro Hypostasis segment its cubes around its core, shooting out lightning bolts. You can run to the center during this attack and deal damage.

After dealing significant damage to the Electro Hypostasis, it will enter its final phase and drop three segments around its body that are covered by an Electro shield. Use Elemental DMG to destroy these shields. Using Pyro or Cryo attacks is particularly effective and will quickly deplete the shield. After destroying all three segments, the boss will be defeated. If you do not defeat all three segments in time, the boss will reset and refill some of its HP.

What rewards do you get from the Electro Hypostasis?
You can earn the following rewards for defeating this boss:
- Lightning Prism
- Vajrada Amethyst gem set
- Traveling Doctor artifact set
- Instructor artifact set
- The Exile artifact set
- Prayers for Wisdom artifact set
- Gladiator’s Finale artifact set
- Wanderer’s Troupe artifact set
Best characters to use for the Electro Hypostasis

Unless you are running a Physical build, it’s highly recommended to avoid bringing Electro characters to this fight. Physical DMG can be effective when paired with a Cryo unit, but all of your Electro damage will not work against the boss. Additionally, you will need some semblance of Elemental DMG to beat the final phase, or the boss will reset its HP.
- Xingqiu + Sucrose + Xiangling + Bennett
- Yoimiya + Zhongli + Xingqiu + Bennett
- Hu Tao + Zhongli + Xingqiu + Yelan
Published: Jan 14, 2023 7:35 PM UTC