Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is filled with tons of characters and ships to collect. There are also Datacards to collect, which can be used to purchase important extras, like stud multipliers and the universal translator. Datacards can also be used to purchase fun extras, like one that turns lightsabers into baguettes. You will first arrive on Endor and in the Ewok Village in the later half of Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi. Here’s where you can find the Datacard in the Ewok Village on Endor in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
The bottom of a tree in the northwest

The Ewok Village is one of the harder areas to navigate, since there are fives different levels, connected via a twisting series of trees and bridges. In order to find the Datacard, you will need to head to a tree in the northwest section of the village. The Datacard is on the second level, but that’s only because the tree doesn’t go down to the lowest level. Follow the winding path down the tree and you will eventually find the Datacard, blocked by a circular Lego piece.

Keep heading past the Datacard until you reach the end of the path at the bottom of the tree. Hidden behind some leaves is a target. You will need to shoot the target, which will cause the Lego blocking the Datacard to move. Head back to the Datacard and pick it up.
Published: Apr 12, 2022 8:36 PM UTC