A sad fact when it comes to Minecraft multiplayer is that sooner or later, you are going to get griefed. It doesn’t matter who you are or what server you play on; it will eventually happen. Luckily, Minecraft is all about getting creative. There are many options for hiding your most valuable items to stop thieves and griefers from stealing them. We recommend creating a secret room or an entirely secret base to hide your stuff.
Here is a brief guide with some basic secret room ideas. These can be scaled up and multiplied to hide several rooms or your entire base if you like.
Basic hidden painting door
The most well-known of all the ways to hide a room is to use a portrait. Minecraft has several pictures available. If you place a couple of open fence gates in your wall, you can use a picture to cover them up. After that, you can just walk through to the room behind it.

2 x 2 Piston door
For this build, all you need is six sticky pistons, two repeaters, a lever (or some other way to turn it on), and six pieces of redstone dust.

This is a popular piston door design that you have probably seen if you are a fan of YouTubers like MumboJumbo and ilMango. Essentially you are just running a redstone line across two sets of pistons. Pistons in the back of the machine will pull blocks out of your wall, and pistons to the side will move them out of the way so you can walk through. After that, you can just activate the door again, and it will put everything back the way it was.

In our example, we are using a comparator connected to an item frame to control the door. You can also use a lever, a button, or any other contraption you can think of to activate the door. Just be sure your repeaters are facing opposite directions and are set to three ticks; otherwise, the machine will misfire, and you will just end up moving your blocks somewhere else.
1 x 1 Door
This is a pretty simple variation of the picture frame entrance from earlier, which isn’t quite obvious. It works especially well if your base is up against a hill or inside a cave where you can hollow out the area behind it.
Place a picture on top of at least one fence gate in your wall, then surround it with trap doors above and below it. You can flip up the lower trap doors and jump on them, then walk up against the wall and flip down the upper trap door to force yourself into a crawl.

Just crawl through the painting to get into your room on the other side. Just be sure to turn around and flip the trap doors back so no one can notice.
Underwater Bunker

This is one of the more fun secret rooms you can have. It is also a good way to flood a room if you aren’t careful. You will need to empty out a small area of water to build the entrance of this bunker, so grab a couple of stacks of sand or gravel before you start. You will also need to find a lake or other body of water at least three blocks deep to build your entrance.

After you have selected the area for your entrance, you will need to drain it to start building. Once the area is drained, you can begin building your entrance and your bunker. You will need a sticky piston, redstone repeater, redstone dust, a redstone torch, and some ladders for the entrance.

For the redstone part of the bunker, you can follow the entrance above for reference. Just be sure that the redstone repeater is set to two ticks. Place a block in front of the piston that blends in with the area around it to hide the entrance. When you place a redstone torch on the entrance block, it will open.

Dig down a few blocks beneath the block you placed to cover the entrance. Put ladders on the side of the hole you dig to prevent water from flooding your new bunker. Just be sure not to place a ladder on the top block of the entrance, as it will block you from activating the piston.

Once you have the entrance done, fill the area with water again and take down any retaining wall you are using. This is also the best time to do a little detailing around the area to help the entrance blend in. Some sand, dirt, and a little bone meal will go a long way.

Once your entrance is covered up again, you can get in and out by placing a redstone torch on top of the block you are using to cover it up or by placing or breaking the redstone torch beneath it inside the bunker. You can make a small secret vault or a massive underground/underwater base using this method.

Hidden minecart bunker
This build is almost as quick and easy as your standard picture door. You can also build this inside of your home, and hide it into a common table or shelf decoration. For this build, you will need some kind of stair block, four or five trap doors, a minecart, and a rail.

Go ahead and build your home as you would normally and create a small shelf to hold some decorations. You can put anything you like on the shelf and make it from anything you like; just make sure you have at least one stair block and cover the shelf with trap doors.

Place the stair block upside down, then connect the trap door to it, so it swings up and forces you into a crawl when you are next to it.
Once your trapdoor is in place, it is time to start digging. Make a hole beneath the stair block, then dig out a nice bunker for you to store your valuables. You can make it as large as you want; just be sure it is at least three blocks tall. You need to be able to see into the bunker past the stair block if you are crawling.

To finish up the bunker, place a small platform beneath and a little ahead of the hole you made under your shelf. Place the rail on the platform, then place the minecart, then use the trapdoors to keep the cart in place.

To enter the new bunker, go up to the shelf with the stair block and use the trap door to force yourself into a crawl. Crawl as far forward as you can so you can see the cart and right-click on it. Once you are in the cart, you can just turn around and close the trap door behind you. After you hit left-shift, you will be popped out onto the platform and get to work inside your new bunker. You can exit the bunker by creating a piston door, a water elevator, or any other exit you would like.
This article was made while using the Life in the Village 2 mod pack and the Stay True resource pack with the seed 493060932156064310.
Published: Jul 7, 2021 6:35 PM UTC