Rook is a simple choice in Rainbow Six Extraction with an incredibly powerful gadget. If played right, Rook can prevent all players on a team from ever going into the knocked out stage or going M.I.A. Rook is a good choice for higher-level difficulties where you and your team is more likely to go down or get overrun by archaeans, but can be useful for quick speed runs through the extraction zone due to his pure survivability.
Best weapons for Rook

Rook is a very versatile operator when it comes to weapon choices. Your first weapon is the P90, a high rate of fire SMG with fantastic killing power at close ranges. While the P90 is a good choice, you might find it harder to use at medium to long ranges due to its high recoil. As you play and level up Rook, you will unlock access to the MP5, HK417 DMR, SG-CQB Shotgun, and even the V308, the rifle most commonly seen with Lion. Rook’s weapon choices are very versatile, so coordinate with your team on which weapon role you should use in a particular round.
Along with his primary weapons, Rook also comes with two different secondary sidearms, the P9 and LFP586. While the LFP586 may be fun to use, the P9 seems to be the obvious choice when equipped with a suppressor, as it will help you clear the area with stealth and precision.
How to best use Rook’s Armor Pack

Rook’s Armor Pack is quite straightforward to use. Press your gadget button to deploy the pack and inform your team to pick up an armor plate. Teammates equipped with an armor plate have increased damage resistance and will always fall to a downed state instead of being knocked out. Due to this, if you revive an enemy from a downed state, immediately deploy your Armor Pack to make sure they stay safe if they happen to go down again.
How to best play as Rook
Rook starts as a one-speed three-armor operator, making him pretty slow but beefy. Due to this, you should be acting as a tank for your team, keeping them safe and making coordinated pushes into the extraction zones. If things get dicey, Rook can definitely take a couple of hits, so don’t be afraid to fight back instead of running for safety.
Rook’s Armor Pack can prove to be a lifesaver in some harder extraction missions. Equipping your teammates with the confidence and safety to push in and complete the mission. Just be sure to deploy it at the right times, as your teammates may already be armored up. With the right amount of confidence and coordination, Rook will be a great choice for higher-difficulty extraction missions but might prove to be a bit boring in the easier difficulties.
Published: Jan 19, 2022 11:40 PM UTC