Almost every game you can think of has emotes that you can perform to express how you are feeling at the moment. Saints Row is another game in the long list that include special dances and actions that your character can perform. You start the game with a list of emotes. Of these emotes, you are only allowed to choose two for your character to use. Of course, you can change these emotes later in the game and you can also unlock more of them. You just need to find where the emotes are.
Related: How to use emotes in Saints Row
Where and how to get more emotes in Saints Row | Chicken Dance Studio location
You can start performing emotes as soon as you enter the game. You simply need to hit the emote buttons to see your character perform whichever moves you selected for them. Of course, after a while, these emotes might start to feel a little stale and you may want to change them up. You can collect some more emotes by visiting the Chicken Dance Studio in East Flats.

East Flats is to the west of your starting apartment. After leaving your apartment, make your way across the bridge to the west and over to the city. The Chicken Dance Studio has a large sign with a chicken on it that is hard to miss. On the map, it appears as one of the green-outlined symbols but with theater masks on it. Talk to the cashier out front to purchase emotes.

The emotes provided by the Chicken Dance Studio will cost you anywhere from $1,200 to $30,000. Make sure you have the money before you try to learn some new moves. Once you purchase one, you can change it out for one that you have equipped by going to the style menu on your phone.
Published: Aug 23, 2022 5:20 AM UTC