With more than 200 mounts available to unlock in Final Fantasy XIV, it’s hard to pinpoint a small handful to consider “the best,” but it’s hard to argue against the Demi-Ozma mount being among them. This flight-capable mount takes on three forms: a sphere, a cube, and a pyramid, each of which has face textures that appear as portals to another world. It’s effectively three mounts in one, and all three could be argued to be the coolest-looking mount in the game. In this guide, we’ll cover how to unlock it.
The process to unlock the Demi-Ozma mount can be summarized in one step, but it’s a real doozy. This mount will be given to you after you unlock the “We’re On Your Side I” achievement, earned for clearing the Baldesion Arsenal, part of the Stormblood expansion. The Baldesion Arsenal is an uber-difficult open dungeon in the Eureka region, accessible only to disciples of either war or magic who have completed Eureka storyline, and who carry an elemental level of 60+. You’re going to need a high-skill, well-equipped, diverse team of allies if you plan on clearing this dungeon.

In order to access the dungeon, you will need to first complete the “I Don’t Want to Believe” FATE, which will appear randomly after the above requirements are met. You will be notified when this FATE begins, and upon slaying its boss Onvi, players will earn the Aetherically Primed buff and numerous portals around the map will appear. Entering a portal will take you to the Baldesion Arsenal, but it requires the buff for you to enter initially. After five minutes, the portals will change color and become open to anyone, buff or not.
When your dungeon run begins, you need to be wary of the fact that leaving any instance or accepting a KO-return will end the run, so be sure to be well-equipped with defensive actions and to be incredibly cautious throughout. There are a total of four bosses, and it’s the final one — Proto Ozma — who will gift you the mount upon completion. This boss has four forms: cube, sphere, pyramid, and spiked, and they all come with their own attack catalogs.

Be especially careful to avoid the black hole attack when he is a sphere. Players are required to stand on six glowing panels in the area before the black hole goes off, and any player not doing so in time will be ejected from the dungeon. If one panel goes un-touched, then all players will be ejected. When he transforms into the triangular or spiked forms, be ready to dodge AoE attacks. be ready to step off the main platform to dodge the AoE column attack when he transforms into his spiked form, and keep your distance from him during the triangular transformation to avoid damage. Finally, when Proto Ozma transforms into a cube, run in tight to him, as he’ll be emitting a torus AoE attack, that you’ll be safe from at close range.
Always keep an eye on Ozma and you should be able to avoid these deadly transformation attacks. So as to minimize the damage that he does to the party, players should try and stay distanced from one another as much as possible, while also being wary of the void pits around the area. Keep a constant stream of attacks coming and stay agile, but most importantly, communicate with your team and provide assistance wherever it is needed.
Upon killing this final boss, you will earn the “We’re On Your Side I” achievement, as well as the Demi-Ozma mount to keep. This is one of the more daunting accomplishments in Final Fantasy XIV, so don’t worry if it takes you a few runs to actually pull it off. Practice makes perfect, and the Baldesion Arsenal will certainly take some practice.
Published: Sep 23, 2021 9:50 PM UTC