After years of knowing about Junker Queen’s existence in Junkertown, the character is finally a playable hero in Overwatch 2. The newest Tank in the game is rough and tough, having been brought up in the harsh Australian Wastelands. Here are some tips, strategies, counters, and other important information you need to know about Junker Queen.
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All Junker Queen abilities
- Passives
- Like other Tanks, Junker Queen can not be knocked backward by abilities as well as smaller heroes can. Less Ultimate charge is generated from damage dealt to her.
- Her secondary passive is Adrenaline Rush. She heals over time from wounding enemies with her melee, Jagged Blade, Carnage, and Ultimate. Wounds are damage that lasts over time from her.
- Commanding Shout (Ability 1)
- Junker Queen shouts and gives herself 200 temporary health. Nearby allies get 100 temporary health. You and all your allies get a short speed boost as well.
- Carnage (Ability 2)
- Swings her axe in front of her, wounding any enemies that are close enough.
- Jagged Blade (Ability 3)
- Throws out her blade, Gracie. Can then be called back to her. If you stick an enemy with it, it will pull them in your direction. Anyone hit with it either through the throw or retrieval takes a wound.
- Rampage (Ultimate)
- Spins up her weapons and charges forward. Any enemies in her path are wounded and can not heal for a short time, like Ana’s Biotic Grenade.
Junker Queen’s weapon is a Scattergun that does not have a lot of range but deals quite a bit of damage up close.
How to play Junker Queen

Junker Queen is as brawling of a Tank as they come. While her Commanding Shout does help her allies, she is someone who wants to get into every fight and inflict wounds to heal herself and damage enemies over time. She is not focused on protecting teammates.
Junker Queen is most effective when right in the face of an enemy. Otherwise, she has poor range and not much in the way of movement abilities. While you get the most use out of her when getting into a scrap, don’t jump into fights alone. When outnumbered, you are putting yourself in immediate danger. Always use Commanding Shout when engaging in a fight and if you need a reload, try to finish enemies off with a well-placed Jagged Blade throw. Try to position yourself, so the blade goes through enemies when coming back.
Good teammates to play with Junker Queen
You want people who can successfully help Junker Queen in scraps and brawl alongside her. Essentially, you want to make a Deathball team composition. Lucio and Brigitte are the best Supports to have by her side, with Reaper, Junkrat, Tracer, and Genji as the most effective Damage heroes. A long-range hero lending a hand from afar can be helpful as well.
All counters and who to counter with Junker Queen

As you might expect, long-range heroes are the strongest against Junker Queen’s Scattergun and Knife. Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ashe, Cassidy, Soldier 76, Sojourn, Ana, Pharah, and Zenyatta will have the upper hand if they have distance. The difference quickly shifts, though, if she can close the gap. She also doesn’t deal enough damage on her own to be particularly great against full-health Tanks in a 1v1. Reinhardt, in particular, can put a beating on her with his hammer, but Commanding Shout and inflicting wounds may give you an edge.
As for heroes, she is strong against pretty much any Support that she can get close to. Tracer is also in danger with her around because of her reliance to get decently close. One headshot can take her down from Junker Queen’s Scattergun. She might have a fighting chance against Genji and Reaper, but that will be more of an even fight. Doomfist will also be at a disadvantage unless he can combo many quick hits on her and has back-up.
Published: Jul 1, 2022 2:16 AM UTC