With the release of Overwatch 2, the Tank class has been completely flipped on its head. Removing one Tank from both teams in each match and limiting shields has made them less about protecting teammates and more about getting into fights and brawling their way to victory. Here is a tier list detailing the best Tank heroes in Overwatch 2 as of the beginning of Season 2.
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The top Tank tier list in Overwatch 2
- Orisa, Sigma, Zarya

Orisa’s rework has concretely made her into a brawling threat, giving her new weapons and more survivability in scraps. She will get in your face and simply outlast you. Even with recent nerfs, she is a mainstay at the top of the best tier list for best Tanks in Overwatch 2.
Sigma is really strong right now with how Supports have been brought back. His ability to project a barrier and still put out offense at a just long enough range is essential to locking down areas. If the Sigma is working well with his Supports, he can feel unstoppable.
Zarya is the strongest option for countering an Orisa, making her the next best choice. Her bubble shield placement will make or break your success, but when you get charged up, handling her can put fear in the other team’s eyes.
- Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball

Reinhardt is still the most reliable shield, but now his offensive abilities have been modified to be better. He has become even more likely to be able to jump into scrums with enemies and walk away, although Orisa can give him significant problems and Sigma is more adjustable.
As for Wrecking Ball, he has probably the highest survivability potential for this Tank tier list in Overwatch 2, but you need to understand how to use him pretty well before you can get good use out of him. If you don’t you are leaving your team out on an island for the opposition. That being said, he is very strong right now and hard to take down for some enemies.
- D.Va, Ramattra, Winston

D.Va, like almost always, is a Tank that can do almost everything. She is very mobile and can do a ton of damage in a short time. She may be your best choice to chase down long-range enemies who are picking off your team. That being said, Zarya can eat her up right now, so be careful with this choice.
Ramattra’s announcement for Season 2 had a lot of people thinking he would be an unstoppable beast in regards to the best Tanks, but outside of his Ultimate, he is just okay. He is quite easy to take down for the Tank role, and while his two modes of fire have their uses, they are quite inconsistent. He is great on offense, but we really do not recommend using him on defensive maps.
Winston moves a little up in this list after Roadhog’s nerfs. This also opens up room for Reaper to get him, but Winston is going to be a little more important this season for jumping on Widowmaker and other strong hit-scans.
- Doomfist, Roadhog

Doomfist’s movement into the Tank slot will probably take some time to get right. He can disrupt enemies, but he doesn’t quite feel like a must-choose at this point. Unless you are really good on Doomfist, you likely will find yourself dying or running from battles where you did not do leave much of an impact.
Roadhog is hurting pretty hard after getting his one-shot combo removed from his Hook shot. While he was the king of the Tank tier list in Season 2, this season is a bit rougher on him. That puts him down here with Doomfist as a character that can survive engagements, but he is not offering much value unless he is placing enemies in spots for his teammates to help him out.
Published: Feb 14, 2023 9:46 PM UTC