Pokemon Go Fest is a time for celebration, and for the 2023 event, there’s plenty to do on this special weekend. There are several Pokemon appearing throughout Pokemon Go Fest 2023, giving you the chance to add them to the collection, and there are several Collection Challenges you’ll be asked to complete before they disappear.
You’ll need to be quick to complete these Collection Challenges before the Pokemon disappear, even if you purchased a ticket to participate in the event. Thankfully, many of these Pokemon appear during set times and habitats. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete all Collection Challenges for Pokemon Go Fest 2023.
Every Pokemon Go Fest 2023 Collection Challenge & All Pokemon

There will be four unique Collection Challenges for the Pokemon Go Fest 2023 event. These will have to do with the four habitats appearing throughout the day, which will have a unique schedule for each area. You’ll want to make sure to track down each Pokemon appearing for these Collection Challenges. Not every Pokemon in a habitat will be on the list, but if you’re looking for specific ones, make sure to figure out the correct habitat and time they’re going to spawn in your local area.
All Quartz Terrarium Collection Challenge Pokemon in Pokemon Go Fest 2023
These are all of the Pokemon you need to catch to complete the Quartz Terrarium Collection Challenge during Pokemon Go Fest 2023. You’ll receive 2,023 Stardust, an Incense, and a Heracross encounter as a reward.
- Catch a Audino
- Catch a Buneary
- Catch a Clefairy
- Catch a Lickitung
- Catch a Luvdisc
- Catch a Miltank
- Catch a Morelull
- Catch a Pikachu
- Catch a Skitty
- Catch a Whismur
- Catch a Wurmple
All Pyrite Sands Collection Challenge Pokemon in Pokemon Go Fest 2023
These are all of the Pokemon you need to catch to complete the Pyrite Sands Collection Challenge during Pokemon Go Fest 2023. You’ll receive 2,023 Stardust, an incense, and a Gible encounter.
- Catch a Binacle
- Catch a Girafarig
- Catch a Grubbin
- Catch a Helioptile
- Catch a Hippopotas
- Catch a Pikachu
- Catch a Psyduck
- Catch a Sandshrew
- Catch a Shuckle
- Catch a Trapinch
- Catch an Alolan Diglett
All Malachite Wilderness Collection Challenge Pokemon in Pokemon Go Fest 2023
These are all of the Pokemon you need to catch to complete the Malachite Wilderness Collection Challenge during Pokemon Go Fest 2023.
- Catch a Bellsprout
- Catch a Caterpie
- Catch a Cottonee
- Catch a Ferroseed
- Catch a Fomantis
- Catch an Oanguru
- Catch a Pikachu
- Catch a Remoraid
- Catch a Roselia
- Catch a Scyther
- Catch a Snorlax
- Catch a Snover
- Catch a Spinarak
- Catch a Stunfisk
All Aquamarine Shores Collection Challenge Pokemon in Pokemon Go Fest 2023
These are all of the Pokemon you need to catch to complete the Aquamarine Shores Collection Challenge during Pokemon Go Fest 2023.
- Catch a Bagon
- Catch a Barboach
- Catch a Beldum
- Catch a Carvanha
- Catch a Goomy
- Catch a Horsea
- Catch a Lapras
- Catch a Mareanie
- Catch a Marill
- Catch a Pikachu
- Catch a West Sea Shellos
- Catch a Wobbuffet
- Catch a Woobat
- Catch a Wympole
Published: Aug 25, 2023 8:30 PM UTC