The never-ending Power Rangers franchise began in 1993 with the villainess Rita Repulsa crawling out of a space dumpster. Almost 30 years later, Rita finally makes her entrance into the growing roster of Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. With her staff and dark magic abilities, Rita has a number of ranged projectiles and aerial moves, even having the ability to float in midair for a few moments. These moves coupled with the use of her Putty Patrol give Rita the potential to put opponents in a tight spot due to the pure chaos of her moveset.
Launch your foes into the air with Ground Current, or use it to intercept airborne opponents. If you yourself are in the air, hit up to create a wind current, letting you stay in the air for an extra second; use this evasively or to buy yourself a little more time.
- Ground Current (Anti-Air) – Down + Heavy
- Queen’s Ambit – (while airborne) Up
Use Rita’s magic to zone and stun your opponent. Many of her projectiles have variants and follow-ups for different situations.
Pinwheel Chaos (Mid)
Shoot a purple orb forward; upon hitting your opponent, it will return in your direction, still damaging your opponent.
Pinwheel Chaos (Near or Up or Far)
(early during Pinwheel Chaos) Back/Up/Forward
As Rita yells “PINWHEEL CHAOS!” you can hit forward to send the orb farther, back to throw it a shorter distance, or up to shoot it diagonally upward as an anti-air measure.
Chaos Spark
Back + Special
Rita takes a small step back and tears a rift in front of her.
Royal Candle (Near or Mid or Far)
(during Chaos Spark) Back + Special/Special/Forward + Special
As Rita verbalizes “Chaos Spark,” you can summon a large purple pillar of energy by hitting the Special button again; you can also hit back or forward to adjust the position of the pillar depending on how far your opponent is from you.
Putty Punch
Forward + Special
Rita summons a Putty Patrolman a good distance in front of her; the henchman goes on to lunge and punch whoever is in front of it.
Putty Crusher
Hold Forward + Special
By holding the Putty Punch command, the Putty Patrolman is instead flying horizontally, spinning in a corkscrew, dealing damage to enemies ahead.
Wicked Circuit
(while airborne) Special
Rita will dive forward in a downward diagonal trajectory, taunting her enemy while doing so.
Ex Special
Repulsa Blast
Light + Special
Take one bar from your Super meter to unleash a blast from her wand; it will go along the ground and send your enemy upward.
Finster’s Finest
Heavy + Special
A group of Putty Patrolmen grab your opponent and drag them into a portal, damaging them significantly. This takes up two bars of your Super meter.
Published: Jan 14, 2022 04:21 pm