In Coin Master, cards are collectible items that can be found by playing the game. There are nine cards in sets called Collections, and by completing Collections, you will get free spins or other prizes. The rarer the cards in a Collection, the better the prizes. This means that some cards are hot commodities in the game, and you can get them by either getting lucky on raids or by trading with other players — but some cards can only be traded during special events.
Related: Coin Master free spins and coins links
What are the rarest cards in Coin Master?

Cards in Coin Master increase in rarity depending on their effect. For example, Andromeda completes a set and awards five stars, so it’s a rare and highly desirable card. In this section, we’ve organized the rarest cards in Coin Master from rarest to most common, but they’re all regarded as rare by players in the community in some way. Just because a card is in the Low Rare list doesn’t mean that it’s common, it’s just more common than a card in the Very Rare list.
All Very Rare Cards in Coin Master
- Archery Camp
- Bar Hopper
- Berly
- Blizz
- Camelot Tent
- Captain Nash
- Catness
- Cosmic Carl
- Crusader
- Dante the Devout
- Golden Trophy
- Haunted Harriet
- Hotrod
- Jolly Jasper
- Knight Guard
- Lucky Lance
- Model Z
- Other Routes 66
- Pig Knight
- Punky
- Scotty Squire
- Spike
- Spooky Simon
- The Beast
- Top Knut
All High Rare Cards in Coin Master
- Amphibious Abe
- Dr. Ashtear
- Dr. Wicked
- Elder Elk
- First Prize
- Hobby Horse
- Little Luca
- Machine Heart
- Mastermind
- Mythical Tune
- Santa
- Satyr
- Skull Island
- Stabilizer Core
Related: All Boom Level Villages in Coin Master
All Mid-Rare Cards in Coin Master
- Andromeda
- Armstrong
- Baby Triss
- Barrel Tank
- Fighting Fred
- Gentle Delphi
- Kingsfoil
- Lenny the Lefty
- Mellow Lisa
- Painters Palette
- Pop Art Poppa
- Tall Tim
- Torero
All Low Rare Cards in Coin Master
- Cheerful Chad
- Darlin Dolly
- Evidence
- Flamingo
- Fondue
- Genie
- Gnome House
- Jovial Jade
- Little Lenya
- Marble Man
- Martian Lettuce
- Medusa
- Merry Matilda
- Mythical Dome
- Phantom
- Rapunzel
- Regal Richard
- Robo Boot
- Santa’s Helper
- Santa’s Sled
- Scarecrow
- Silent Shrine
- Silverback
All Very Low Rare Cards in Coin Master
- African Warrior
- Aztec Princess
- Builder Beaver
- Caring Cathy
- Chilito
- Cleopatra
- Creaky Crow
- Diablo
- El Tiger
- Excalibur
- Farmer Feng
- Fighting Monk
- Flamur, the Flutist
- Frida
- Holy Monk
- Jelly Fish
- Kettle
- Magic Tree
- Martian Wine
- Mastership
- Mighty Wizard
- Nessie
- Olympias
- Pink Eddy
- Portly Pete
- Savvy Sancho
- Smoking Pipe
- Sneaky Jaguar
- Toto
Published: Jun 30, 2022 12:40 PM UTC