There is no denying that the Auto Axe is one of the most worthwhile weapons that you can get your hands on in Fallout 76. This deadly industrial tool came into the game with The Pitt update and has since had people obsessing over its power. Of course, this power only comes when you get the right build for it, and after scouring the game, we can confidently say we have a build that will blow your socks off. Here is the best build for the Auto Axe in Fallout 76.
How to make a build for the Auto Axe in Fallout 76
Making a build in Fallout 76 isn’t as simple as finding a weapon and throwing some stuff together to make it work. A lot of planning goes into the creation of these builds to truly maximize their damage potential. The following build for the Auto Axe does require you to have access to the legendary perks in the game but the build can also be good without them by sacrificing some damage. For starters, you need to allocate your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats accordingly:
- Strength – 15
- Perception – 1
- Endurance – 8
- Charisma – 9
- Intelligence – 3
- Agility – 11
- Luck – 8
Provided you have bonus S.P.E.C.I.A.L points from legendary perk cards, you can further increase your Agility stat since the Auto Axe requires Agility and Strength to function. Below, you can see the perks that we used for the build as well as the stat allocation.

Since the Auto Axe is a two-handed melee weapon, you will want to focus on using the Slugger perks to increase your damage. Perks like Barbarian and Incisor will further increase your damage output by increasing your Strength and allowing the weapon to ignore enemy armor. Agility is a main focus for the build since using the weapon drains your AP over time. Having a higher Agility score will allow you to use the weapon longer. Perks like Adrenaline and Evasive will increase your damage and damage resistance. Other perks that are worthwhile for damage are Nerd Rage, Bloody Mess, and Tenderizer.
Related: How to get and use Stamps in Fallout 76

When it comes to choosing Mutations to get for the build, you will want to get the following:
- Twisted Muscles – Increased melee damage
- Adrenal Reaction – Increased damage when at low health
- Bird Bones – Decreased Strength and increase Agility
These Mutations will grant you the benefits of increased damage and the increased Agility will help you use the weapon for a longer period of time. If you want to benefit your character more, you can also use the Healing Factor, Marsupial, and Scaly Skin Mutations. In addition to Mutations, since you will be at low health with this build, you will want to at least have the Bloodied legendary perk on your Auto Axe. This will drastically increase your damage with the weapon.
Published: Sep 23, 2022 7:43 PM UTC