Demon Hunters are a class that boasts the highest single-target damage potential of all in Diablo Immortal. That makes them the designated boss killers in group-based content and any party seeking to clear dungeons would do well to bring one.
After reaching level 60 and gearing up for the end-game content, Demon Hunter players will look to develop their builds and will usually look to have a few sets to be able to tackle diverse challenges. Here, we offer two builds for our crossbow-wielding hunters, one that excels at what they do best, and another that might be more efficient at farming.
Related: Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Leveling Guide – Level 1 to 60
The Boss Slayer
This build focuses on the uncanny ability of Demon Hunters to deal massive damage to tough targets. Bosses singularly come to mind, meaning this is the build you want to have in your back pocket the next time your friends ask if you could help them out in a dungeon or five.
- Crossbow Shot: Your Primary skill is also one of your main sources of damage. Use the inbuilt mobility while moving from pack to pack of enemies.
- Vengeance: This is your main buff which works especially well against elites, bosses, and similar foes. In this build, you can potentially keep the uptime of this buff forever.
- Rain of Vengeance: This skill augments both your single-target and multi-target damage. Just make sure to line it up so that it’s most efficient.
- Knockback Shot: Fulfils a similar function to Rain of Vengeance above, meaning that you want to stack these damage sources on top of packs or the boss.
- (Optional) Daring Swing: Until you obtain Untampered Hatred legendary for your Knockback Shot, you can use this skill in its place for extra mobility.
- Multishot: Your best tool to annihilate groups of enemies in one or two shots.
- Vision of the Lost & Coff’s Unrelenting Fury: These two legendary items in Helm and Legs slots will help your Vengeance skill last almost indefinitely (with proper positioning), and greatly enhance your damage.
- The Hungerer: This legendary off-hand weapon augments your main single-target skill with a bit of extra utility when going through packs of foes as well.
- Flamespite: Legendary main-hand crossbow that makes Multistrike even deadlier.
- Skystriker’s Pauldrons: Fire-and-forget enhancement for your Rain of Vengeance. Makes the placement of it more important, however.
- Untampered Hatred: This chest armor greatly improves Knockback Shot, making it a viable (and much better) option than Daring Swing, even at the cost of mobility.
- Set items: Your best-in-slot set is War Rags of Shal’baas, as it synergizes perfectly with our Primary skill, Crossbow Shot. However, it is also viable to run Issatar Imbued 4-piece combined with Vithu’s Urges 2-piece set.
Legendary gems to consider for this build:
- Blood-Soaked Jade
- Sleeping Bile
- Chip of Stone Flesh
- Howler’s Call
- Echoing Shade
Normal gems work off of the following priority:
- Tourmaline > Ruby
- Sapphire > Aquamarine
- Citrine > Topaz
For primary attributes, we follow a simple priority list:
- Strength
- Fortitude
- Vitality
- Willpower
- Intelligence
For secondary attributes, the list is the following:
- Attack Damage
- Crit Chance
- Effect Duration
- Crit Damage

Raining Vengeance
This build does a little bit of everything fairly well. It doesn’t excel at any single thing, but that makes it such a good build to play while out and about in the world. It’s also decently good at farming and would be a good addition to any group with a few tweaks — though, at that point, it might be better to go all-in with single target damage (see the above build for that).
- Crossbow Shot: This is your Primary skill and one of your main sources of damage. With The Hungerer legendary off-hand, it works against packs as well.
- Vengeance: This is your main buff skill. It should be used against elites, bosses, and other similar enemies. You will equip three legendary items to boost and maintain this buff for as long as possible.
- Rain of Vengeance: This will be your main AoE skill for this build. With the legendary item augmenting it, it will also serve as crowd control (CC) to keep us safe before repositioning.
- Multishot: You will be using Multishot to bolster out AoE clears after Rain of Vengeance, with the two combining to completely wipe out packs of mobs in a matter of seconds.
- Daring Swing: You will be using this as our main mobility skill. The damage portion is negligible, so it’s all about repositioning with it.
- Vision of the Lost, Heart of Vengeance, and Coff’s Unrelenting Fury: This is a combination of your helm, chest, and leg armor slots, all to make your Vengeance be up as much as possible and provide your Demon Hunter with insane bonuses.
- The Hungerer: This legendary off-hand crossbow makes your Primary skill able to handle both multiple mobs, as well as being your best single-target option.
- Flamespite: This legendary main-hand weapon makes Multistrike burn your foes for huge Aoe damage spikes.
- Hailstone Shoulders: These legendary shoulders turn your Rain of Vengeance into a form of wide CC, allowing us extra leeway to move and reposition without getting swarmed from all sides by chilling those it hits.
- Set items: Our best-in-slot set is once again War Rags of Shal’baas. The boost it gives our Primary skill is amazing, and we want that extra kick for bosses. However, for extra clear speed and general buffs, you can opt for the combination o Issatar Imbued 4-piece and Vithu’s Urges 2-piece set.
Legendary gems to consider for this build:
- Blood-Soaked Jade
- Sleeping Bile
- Echoing Shade
- Howler’s Call
- Chip of Stone Flesh
Normal gems work off of the following priority:
- Tourmaline > Ruby
- Sapphire > Aquamarine
- Citrine > Topaz
For primary attributes, we follow a simple priority list:
- Strength
- Fortitude
- Vitality
- Willpower
- Intelligence
For secondary attributes, the list is the following:
- Crit Chance
- Attack Damage
- Crit Damage
- Effect Duration
Between these two builds, you should be ready to handle just about anything that Diablo Immortal can throw at you.
Published: Jun 17, 2022 1:36 PM UTC