The name that Ocarina of Time fans dread is spoken once more in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, as the Water Temple makes its unwanted return. To be fair, the Water Temple in Tears of the Kingdom is a lot more enjoyable than its awful counterpart on the Nintendo 64, as there is significantly less backtracking this time around, and players can enjoy Prince Sidon’s handsomeness on their mission.
To enter the Water Temple, players must complete the main Zora’s Domain questline until the point where the pillar of light opens up in the reservoir. Eventually, a waterfall will descend from the sky. At this point, you must acquire the Zora Armor in Tears of the Kingdom to ascend the waterfall. Before making the trip, ensure that you are fully healed, have lots of food prepared, and are loaded with arrows, Splash Fruits, bows, and powerful melee weapons, as you will need them.
Related: Tears of the Kingdom: How to Sneak Up On The Zora Kids
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Water Temple Guide

The main goal of the Water Temple is to unclog the four faucets, as sludge has gotten into them. This involves traveling around the sky islands in the area and hitting the water wheels with Prince Sidon’s Blessing. To use Prince Sidon’s Blessing, run up to him when he is shrouded with a blue aura, press the A button, and you can fire a blast of water. This move has a timer, so you can’t spam it.
You may notice in the maps below that there are two small disconnected islands around the exterior of the Water Temple. These contain optional treasures; you don’t need to visit them to complete the dungeon, but we’ll provide information on how to reach them if you want their loot.
Throughout the dungeon, you will need to return to the central island or pass through it on several occasions. Keep your eyes peeled, as constructs will spawn over time, and it might be worth avoiding them if you’re running low on supplies or health.
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Water Temple West Islands

First, jump and glide across the broken bridge to the southwest island. There are three construct soldiers here who need to be defeated, and a giant metal ball needs to be pulled out of the water using Ultrahand. Use Prince Sidon’s Blessing to wipe away the sludge on a square rock at the north point of the island, as seen below.

This will cause giant bubbles to appear. Put the giant metal ball in a bubble, and it will be floated over to the northwest island. Jump in the next bubble to send Link over. The metal ball will be dropped into a circular groove in the ground, but the water level on the island prevents it from sinking and activating the button below.
Related: Tears of the Kingdom – How To Clean The Sludge In Zora’s Domain
Several platforms in the area will float in the air (draining Link’s battery), and they can be moved with Ultrahand, but they aren’t used to anchor the ball. Instead, a sluice gate can be lifted near the water’s edge. Attach one of the platforms to the sluice, lift it, and the water will temporarily drain from the island. The metal ball will land on the button, opening a nearby chamber with a water wheel inside. Use Prince Sidon’s Blessing on the water wheel to unlock the first faucet.

Also, you can use the Waterfall on the left side of this island to fire Link into the air, allowing you to glide to the tiny disconnected island to the south of the island. This has a chest with a Zora Shield inside. You’ll also need to return to this waterfall soon, so you may as well grab the shield now and then glide back to the central island.
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Water Temple Beneath Island

The broken bridge pieces on the west side have an island below them with a chest containing a sapphire, but it needs to be pulled out of the water with Ultrahand first. Once this is acquired, look for the path below the central island, and follow it until you come to a door sealed with burning jets of flame.

You might think that Prince Sidon’s Blessing or Splash Arrows are the key to stopping the fire, but they will only stop it briefly before the inferno continues. The solution is behind the flames, as another floating platform can be grabbed with Ultrahand and dragged forward to block the fire, allowing Link to pass through. Once you’re on the other side, drag the platform onto the button next to the door, causing the flames to turn off and allowing Prince Sidon to join you.

In the next area, a circular hole in the wall needs to be filled to lift the door guarding the second water wheel. There is a chamber beyond this, with a metal ball meant for the hole, but it’s guarded by a spike pit. Fortunately, there are several floating platforms around. Simply use Ultrahand to move a platform over to the ball, glide over, attach them, push them back with Ultrahand, and use the other platforms to ascend, dragging the ball/platform with you.

Bringing the platform is necessary, as the ball won’t stay in the hole in the wall alone. Instead, you must attach it to the side of the platform while it’s floating and use Ultrahand to keep it in place. This will open the door to the water wheel, which you can hit with Prince Sidon’s Blessing, opening the second faucet.
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Water Temple Northeast Island

Return to the waterfall on the western island and swim up it using Zora Armor. This will shoot Link into the air, giving him enough momentum to glide to the northeastern island. The region is guarded by a Fire Like, which has a weakness similar to the Sludge Like boss fought earlier in the game: wait for the purple appendage to come out of its mouth and then hit it. This will cause the Fire Like to die, dropping a chest with a Wooden Shield and some other loot.
Use the shattered, broken bridge to reach a place where a bubble keeps hitting the ground. Get close to the bubble and use Link’s Recall ability on it. You should have enough time to jump in the bubble as it rewinds through time, allowing you to reach the next island. You’ll see a wheel next to a waterfall and two discarded planks here. Stick the planks on each side of the wheel to cause it to start spinning. Make sure the planks line up with the wheel as much as possible.

This will charge up a device with a yellow light nearby, but the circuit connecting it to the door with the water wheel is broken. Use Ultrahand to grab a bubble and place it between the two charge points, creating a circuit and opening the door.

If performed correctly, this will open the way to the water wheel. Use Prince Sidon’s Blessing to open the third faucet, bringing you one step closer to victory.
The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Water Temple Southeast Island

To reach the next island, use the waterfall on the northeast island to propel Link into the air, allowing you to glide over. This island has a spinning tower that needs to be stopped, but your first problem is dealing with several constructs and blue churches hanging around. Kill the monsters and grab their loot.
To stop the tower from spinning, climb the largest column in the area and leap from it toward the tower. Pull out your bow, which should slow down time, giving you ample time to fire an arrow at the switch inside.

This will cause the water in the area to descend, allowing you to access the water wheel, which you can hit with Prince Sidon’s Blessing to open the final faucet. Before you return to the central island, you can jump from the top of the stopped tower to reach the disconnected island to the south. This has a chest with a Large Zonai Charge inside.

Return to the central island and heal up. Once you activate the main console, you will be thrown into a boss battle with Mucktorok, the Scourge of the Water Temple. Check out our Tears of the Kingdom Mucktorok boss battle guide for details on defeating that slippery fiend.
And that’s it! Check out our other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides below to help with crafting, exploring, and tackling challenges across Hyrule.
Tears of the Kingdom Complete Guide | Every Ability & How To Unlock Them | How to Get The Paraglider | How to Get & Use The Travel Medallion | All Armor Locations & Where to Find Them | All Construct Materials & Where to Find Them | All Shrine Locations & Strategies | How to Get More Heart Containers
Published: May 17, 2023 10:56 PM UTC