The Indigo Disk is the second wave of DLC coming to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. While the Teal Mask DLC gave way to new characters, Pokemon, and lore, the Indigo Disk DLC sets itself up to lean more towards the competitive side.
If you’re anything like me, DLC provides a unique opportunity to test out some new teams. Since this DLC pack is seemingly the hardest of them all, we’ve provided a short list of Pokemon you can find right in Paldea to help you prepare for the next wave of gameplay.
10. Clodsire

Clodsire is the newest member of the tadpole/frog Pokemon group, taking on the more mud-dabber side of things rather than leaning on a Water typing. The Poison move accessibility of Clodsire gives them an in almost any situation, with moves like Earthquake able to deal significant damage thanks to STAB (same type attacking bonus). If you want to catch a Clodsire for your team, places like Casseroya Lake and other bodies of water contain both Clodsire and its previous evolution.
Related: Top 10 Pokemon Trainer Classes We Want To Return in Indigo Disk DLC
9. Pikachu

Cute and tough, all in one package, it’s hard to go wrong with Pikachu. Having an inherent advantage thanks to items like the Light Ball, you can be as flexible as you want concerning which Pokemon you have on your team. For example, you could evolve your Pikachu into a Raichu for a few bolstered stats, or you could keep the cute Pikachu, which is still viable thanks to the Light Ball. You can find Pikachu all over Paldea and Kitakami, in places like Areas 1, 2, 3, and the Apple Fields.
8. Mismagius

For Pokemon that look like late-game material, consider Mismagius. This Pokemon was a real threat in Platinum, which makes it a great contender for an area like the one we’ll be facing in Indigo Disk. Casseroya Lake is a great place to go hunting for one if you haven’t already gotten one for your dex.
7. Barraskewda

One of the hardest-hitting Pokemon in Galar, Barraskewda is a great striker for any team. While Water types are a bit too common, you don’t see many that have the blast power as Barraskewda. To find one, all you need to do is look in places like Casseroya Lake and the Paldean Sea. Right out of the box (or, in your case, Egg), Barraskewda is a Pokemon with amazing Speed and a reliable Attack stat that pulls it through.
Related: Top 10 Best Items In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet For Competitive Play
6. Haxorus

Dragon-type Pokemon are always good options for at least one slot on the team. Consider Haxorus, one of the most notable pseudo-legendaries in the game. While you could have easily found this Pokemon in caves back in Unova, where you find them is much different in Paldea. They tend to live in the cold, so to get your own Haxorus, you’ll need to venture into places like Glaseado Mountian.
5. Tsareena

For that extra tropical kick, consider Tsareena. If attack power is what you need, Tsareena can certainly provide it, with moves like Trop Kick coming in perfect clutch. The only issue is that Tsareena is just a tad of move inflexibility, but what Tsareena does, they do well. Places like Tagtree Thicket and most Provinces contain Bounsweet, which you can raise to be Elite Four-kicking monsters.
4. Lilligant

To take yourself for a bit of a throwback, consider the pretty leaf Pokemon that came first: Lilligant. Since Blueberry Academy is in Unova, it would only be right to have a hard-hitting Pokemon that comes from that region originally. While Lilligant isn’t the most powerful plant Pokemon out there, they certainly have a lot to look forward to when it comes to raising one. Lilligant has great defenses and sustainability as a team member. If you want to raise your own, you can find them in the Asado Desert or in Tagtree Thicket.
3. Annihilape

Annihilape is the next stage in the Mankey evolution, making it so angry that it actually dies. Have no fear; this vengeful monkey spirit can still fight plenty well, with an unusual Fighting and Ghost typing to work with that gives it an impressive move pool. In addition to having a great Attack stat, the Ghost typing works more for it than against it. To find a Mankey to shape into your vessel of chaos and enemy team destruction, consider looking around any of the Provinces.
2. Farigiraf

If you liked Girafarig, the second stage is much better. While Giragarig by itself is viable in a way, Farigiraf has a much more robust Special Attack stat, with numbers and moves to perform even against tough Trainers. The only flaw with Farigiraf is the defensive stats that it doesn’t have, making it a bit of a glass cannon. You can find this Pokemon everywhere, from Asado Desert to the Great Crater of Paldea.
1. Tatsugiri

It may not look like it, but this tiny shrimp Pokemon is a powerhouse. Found only on Casseroya Lake, you’ll need to venture out into the lake before you find the tiny island where all the Tatsugiri are hiding. If you find a Yellow one, that Tatsugiri is faster. If the one you find is Pink, it has more Defense. If you find the standard, shrimp-colored form, then the emphasis for this Tatsugiri is Attack.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 2:31 PM UTC