A new Warframe has arrived for Tenno to use called Kullervo, and that means there are more resources to farm out and activities to complete to unlock it. The Kullervo Warframe will be available in the Durivi Paradox activity, and unlocking it may take some time. One of the key components to track down will be Kullervo’s Bane.
Kullervo’s Bane only drops from completing a specific activity and running it down will take a good amount of time, especially for players eager to add the Kullervo Warframe to their growing collection. Here’s what you need to know about how to get Kullervo’s Bane in Warframe.
Where to Find Kullervo’s Bane in Warframe

The Kullervo’s Bane is the primary resource to unlock the Kullervo Blueprint, the Kullervo Chassis parts, Rauta Blueprint, and other Blueprints associated with the Kullervo Warframe. These will appear on the Arcithis, which can spawn at the end of a Spiral for The Duviri Paradox, or the other game modes. Make sure to click on Kullervo’s Archive to grab these blueprints.
The only way to acquire Kullervo’s Bane is after defeating Kullervo and the Ororwyrm, who appears at Kullervo’s Hold from June 21, 2023, to July 5, 2023. This is a limited-time event, that Warframe Players need to complete at least once, and it costs at least five Pathos Clamps to enter this game mode.
Related: Warframe Tier List on Twinfinite
Although Kullervo’s Hold appears in a limited-time event, the island has a chance to spawn from the Sorrow, Fear, or Anger Spiral. Outside of the limited-time event, Kullevo’s Hold has a chance to spawn as a side island or as a main activity, and it is not guaranteed.
Again, both Kullervo and the Ororwrym need to be defeated to earn Kullervo’s Bane. This will need to happen at the Kullervo’s Hold, The Lone Story, and The Duviri Experience to count towards the told. Warframe players who complete the Normal Path have a chance to earn from four to six Kullervo’s Bane, whereas those who complete the Steel Path have a chance to earn from six to eight.
After earning enough Kullervo’s Bane, make your way to the Arcithis at the end of the Duviri Cycle to turn them in and earn your rewards.
Published: Jun 21, 2023 4:49 PM UTC