Rivens are highly sought after, extremely powerful, mods in Warframe that can turn any weapon into an endgame all-star if you get lucky with the rolls. They can provide a range of buffs, or nerfs, to a weapon, and if a player manages to score the right combination they can turn any weapon into a god-tier killing machine. Players are willing to go to great lengths to score Rivens for the game’s strongest weapons, and others enjoy using Rivens to prop up some of the weaker weapons in the game.
How often Rivens drop for specific weapons is referred to as their disposition. Weaker weapons tend to get more Rivens, while powerful weapons will rarely get them. This has kicked off something of a Riven market in the game, as the mods can be traded between players. Digital Extremes will often change the disposition of weapons based on the effect of patches, updates, and players figuring out cool interactions to give themselves an edge.
The most important thing to know about the May 2021 changes is that no Primary, Secondary, or Arch-gun Riven has received a reduction in disposition. Melee is still a more delicate area, as Warframe’s most prominent way to do damage.
Primary Weapons
- Bubonico: 0.6->0.7
- Catchmoon (primary): 1->1.05
- Cedo: 0.55->0.6
- Exergis: 1.05->1.1
- Gaze: 0.95->1
- Lanka: 0.95->1
- Panthera Prime: 1.05->1.15
- Proboscis Cernos: 0.5->0.55
- Quellor: 1.05->1.1
- Rattleguts (primary): 0.9->1
- Rubico: 0.8->0.9
- Sporelacer (primary): 0.85->1
- Sporothrix: 0.85->1.1
- Stahlta: 0.8->0.85
- Tiberon: 1->1.05
- Tiberon Prime: 0.85->0.9
- Tombfinger (primary): 0.75->0.85
- Trumna: 0.7->0.75
- Vermisplicer (primary): 0.7->0.85
- Akbolto: 1.25->1.3
- Telos Akbolto: 1.2->1.25
- Akbolto Prime: 1.1->1.15
- Atomos: 0.85->0.9
- Catabolyst: 0.8->1
- Euphona Prime: 0.75->0.8
- Pandero Prime: 0.5->0.75
- Rattleguts (secondary): 0.7->0.75
- Sepulcrum: 0.85->0.95
- Staticor: 0.65->0.7
- Velox: 1.1->1.15
- Vermisplicer (secondary): 0.85->1
- Zakti Prime: 0.75->0.9
- Zymos: 0.95->1.05
- Arca Titron: 1.25->1.3
- Arum Spinosa: 0.85->1.05
- Atterax: 1->1.05
- Dual Kamas: 1.25->1.3
- Dual Kamas Prime: 1.15->1.2
- Galatine Prime: 0.75->0.8
- Glaive Prime: 1.05->0.9
- Gram Prime: 0.8->0.75
- Guandao: 1->1.05
- Guandao Prime: 0.6->0.65
- Halikar Wraith: 0.5->0.75
- Heliocor: 1.3->1.35
- Synoid Heliocor: 1.3->1.35
- Jat Kittag: 1.3->1.35
- Keratinos: 0.9->1
- Korrudo: 1.3->1.35
- Kronen Prime: 0.7->0.65
- Lecta: 1.2->1.25
- Secura Lecta: 1.05->1.1
- Mios: 1.2->1.25
- Nikana: 0.9->0.95
- Ooltha: 1.2->1.25
- Pulmonars: 0.85->1.05
- Quassus: 0.95->1
- Reaper Prime: 0.75->0.7
- Sydon: 1.3->1.35
- Vaykor Sydon: 1.25->1.3
- Vitrica: 0.7->0.85
- Cortege: 0.85->1
- Corvas: 1.1->1.2
- Prisma Dual Decurion: 0.85->1.05
- Morgha: 0.7->0.85
Published: May 26, 2021 12:10 pm