Tfue is among the best in the world at Fortnite so it’s common for fans to ponder what settings he uses to dominate the opposition.
Turner “Tfue” Tenney is not only one of the most popular Twitch streamers, but he’s one of the best Fortnite players in the world. Tfue has dominated Fortnite casually and competitively since release, and is known for his sheer slaying ability and game sense.
So, as many players watch him do so well, fans often wonder what settings he uses. Of course, keybinds should be personal preference, but some buttons work better for specific actions. Sensitivity is also another setting many fans ask him during his streams, as it’s an integral part of Fortnite.
To answer those questions, here are Tfue’s sensitivity and keybind settings in Fortnite.
Sensitivity settings
Sensitivity settings is one of the areas of Fortnite that requires some adjustments. If you’re used to a high sensitivity but want to mimick someone like Tfue, don’t simply drop down to his sensitivity. Gradually reduce your sensitivity, that way, you’re not making as big of a leap.
- Mouse Sensitivity X: 0.100
- Mouse Sensitivity Y: 0.100
- Mouse Targeting Sensitivity: 0.700
- Mouse Scope Sensitivity: 0.550
- HUD Scale: 0.70
Keybind settings
Like a lot of streamers, Tfue uses whatever he feels comfortable with in terms of keybinds. So, if he has an action bound to a strange keybind, it’s because that’s his style of play.
- Move Forward: W
- Move Left: A
- Move Backward: S
- Move Right: D
- Jump: Space Bar
- Sprint: Not Bound (Sprint on by default)
- Auto Run: Caps Lock
- Crouch: Left Ctrl
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Target: Right Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Use: F
- Harvesting Tool: 1
- Weapon Slot 1: 2
- Slot 2: 3
- Slot 3: 4
- Slot 4: 5
- Slot 5: 6
- Place Marker: Middle Mouse Button
- Crouch While Building: Left Shift
- Wall: C
- Floor: E
- Stairs: Q
- Roof: Thumb Mouse Button 2
- Trap: Thumb Mouse Button
- Place Building: Left Mouse Button
- Repair/Upgrade: Left Ctrl
- Rotate Building: R
- Toggle Map: M
Published: Jan 16, 2020 12:52 PM UTC