Known as the sharp claw Pokémon, Gen 2 favorite Sneasel is a fairly common sight in the snowy mountains of Paldea. Not only does it have an impressive 115 base Speed and great offensive typing, but Sneasel’s evolved form Weavile has been a staple part of the competitive scene ever since it was introduced in Gen 4. Its Hidden Ability, Pickpocket, allows it to steal the Held Item of any opponent that makes contact with it, dissuading Physical attackers from attempting to capitalize on its low defense, and dealing with opponents who rely heavily on Held Items. To top it off, it has a variety of powerful Same-Type Attack Bonus moves in its arsenal. Here is how you can find Sneasel in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
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How to catch Sneasel in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A fairly common sight in the snow, cave, and mountain biomes of the overworld, Sneasel spawns at all times of the day around Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, and the North Province (Area One). They are also part of the 3-star Tera Raid pool, though finding one in a Tera Raid will most likely take longer than finding one in the overworld, especially since their overworld spawn rate is relatively high.
Sneasel takes increased damage from Fire, Bug, Rock, Steel, and Fairy-type moves, and takes 4x damage from Fighting-type moves. It takes less damage from Ice, Ghost, and Dark-type moves, and takes no damage from Psychic-type moves due to its Dark typing. It is more Specially defensive, so Physical moves are more effective against it. With that being said, if your Pokémon are much stronger, using False Swipe to avoid accidentally knocking it out is a safer play, as Sneasel is known for its impressive Speed, not its bulk. Or you could forgo damaging it all together and try your luck with a Pokéball.
Published: Nov 30, 2022 3:15 PM UTC