Rickety Rig is a new area that was added to Fortnite in Chapter 2 Season 3. It’s is actually a massive area, taking in multiple parts of the old map. It is also one of our favorite new areas in the game. You can find the Rickety Rig’s location marked on the map below.

The Rickety Rig is made up of parts of Slurpy Swamp, the old Slurpy Factory, and the Rig, and is a massive sprawling area. This also makes the challenge to find loot chests and ammo crates here extremely easy. You can find multiple ammo boxes and loot crates on every island, so finishing this quickly should be no problem.
Rickety Rig is broken up into multiple small islands with rusty buildings, junk piles, and plenty of boats scattered around them. There are also Zip-Lines that connect to tall platforms that connect multiple islands.
It is also very close to the Fortilla, another new area in the game, making it a great landing spot if you are looking to get fully geared up early in the game. The one thing to watch out for is that this area is now a sniper’s dream, and it is very hard to move between the smaller islands unseen. You do stand a good chance of being picked off here if it happens to be the area that is active in the late game.
Published: Jun 17, 2020 11:17 AM UTC