Eroded Elder Skeleton in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is a vital bone material to seek out if you want to expand your armor and weapon sets. It’s a critical resource you can find while you’re hunting monsters, but you may want to start expediting quests to make it easier to locate. In this guide, we’re going to cover where to get Eroded Elder Skeleton in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
How to get Eroded Elder Skeleton
You can find Eroded Elder Skeleton by looking in the Sandy Plains. While visiting this location, make sure you do it on any Master Rank quest. You can regularly find it on Master Rank missions, for both monster quests, or by starting an expedition. If you’re solely looking to acquire Eroded Elder Skeleton, expeditions might be the best way to do it without being interrupted.
Related: How to get Chipped Oldbone in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Sandy Plains
You can find Eroded Elder Skeleton in these locations in the Sandy Plains.

You will also want to investigate the bottom area of the Sandy Plains for additional bone pile harvest points.

These two regions in the Sandy Plains will give you the best chance to find Eroded Elder Skeleton materials. You won’t always receive it from each of these harvest points, which is why you will want to bring your Palamute with you to run through the area, wait a few minutes for them to respawn, and then hit them again. You can do this as many times as you want before you choose to leave. Alternatively, you can send your buddies out on Master Rank missions to the Sandy Plains to try and find them.
Published: Jul 5, 2022 12:14 PM UTC